Chapter 7

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"Namjoon? Wake up." I hear a whisper and I slowly open my eyes to see Seokjin bruised from head to toe. Yet he still manages to smile.

He comes closer and I sit up, leaning back on the headboard, and eyeing him with concern.

"What happened to you?" He bites his lip and his eyes trail down to mine. I lick my lips and wait for him to speak or do anything really.

He crawls onto my bed and cuddles himself into me.

"Namjoon..." He whispers. "Please just hold me." I do as said and hear soft sniffles coming from him.

(Their position minus the nudity)

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(Their position minus the nudity)

"Baby, what happened?"

"I...I can't say." He starts crying and I hold him closer to my chest, closing my eyes. We lay in silence until I hear my name again.


When I open my eyes I'm laying down hugging a pillow. "Food's been done for a while. I was bringing some up for you." Yoongi walks in holding a tray.

"I'll just sit the tray to the side. I hope you like it." He does that then leaves. The only thing on my mind is Seokjin.

After he leaves I eye the bowl of soup. I don't want soup. I want Jin. I lay back down and hug the pillow close to me, pretending it's Seokjin.

My door opens again and Yoongi clears his throat. "Also some guy came here and passed out on the couch. I think he was the guy you were looking for, the kids recognised him so I let him in." My head pops up and Yoongi smiles.

I jump out of bed, fall to the floor, get stuck in the covers- Taehyung I feel your pain- and ran out of the door after getting untangled.

"Seokjin?!" I look over the balcony of the upstairs and sure enough Seokjin is laying on the couch. "Seokjin!" I run down the stairs and to the couch, crouching by his side. "Jinnie? Are you okay?" I touch his forehead and he's warm.

"What's wrong with Eomma?" Taehyung asks from his spot at the table. I look over and both teens have their cheeks filled with food.

"I don't know. I'm gonna go get some ice." Seokjin shivers and I wince. "I'm gonna get another blanket..."

I get up and turn around, bumping into Yoongi. "There's no more soup, the two little ones ate it all, which is strange cause that was enough for 10 people."

I nod and walk up to my room, grabbing my blanket which is the second to last one in the house, the last being Yoongi's.

"Namjoon! The guy is shaking! I think he's about to throw up!" Yoongi yells. I rush down the stairs and throw the blanket on the floor, grabbing Seokjin and dragging him to the guest bathroom.

He starts to puke and it gets on him, me and the floor. "Jinnie..." I hold my breath and move him so he's over the toilet. He gags some more and it sounds painful. I rub his back and he releases what's left in his stomach then groans in pain.

"N-Namjoon?" He stuttered, he turns to face me and then his eyes become watery.

"It's okay Jin." I say as calm as possible.

"I'm sorry." He latches on to me and is now full on crying.

"Where did you go?" I mumble, rubbing circles on his back.

"A bad place."


"Eomma? Are you okay?" Jin gives him a weak smile and closed his eyes. I've managed to give him a bath, him wearing his underwear thankfully, and he's now resting in my bed.

Taehyung refuses to leave his side and is on his knees infront of where Jin is laying. "Tae, I'm gonna go edit some things. Can you keep an eye on Eomma for me? If he starts to gag or anything call me."

He nods and his eyes never leave the person in the bed. Seokjin mumbles something I'm unable to hear and it makes Taehyung laugh. "I think so too." He replies

I give one last look and walk out of the room with a smile on my face. "I see you, Namjoonie." I hear from behind me. I look to see my step brother with a gummy smile plastered on his almost flawless face.

He walks closer and pats my shoulder. "A wife and two kids."

"They're my friends."

"Interesting." He laughs and walks away to I'm guessing his room.

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