Chapter 22

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Jungkook sat in his usual spot, on the couch and on his phone. He looked stressed. Maybe it's because Jimin is laying in his lap.

Jimin would poke him in the stomach to get a reaction every 10 seconds and whisper his name. Jungkook, of course ignored it.


"Kookie, please." He never looked away from his damn phone.

I stayed with my head in his (ass lol) lap and continued to look up at him.


"Kookie?" He groaned and his fingers moved faster. He's probably texting one of his 'friends' that I ran into the other day when I chased him all the way to an alley not even close to this neighborhood.


"Acknowledge me kookie." Taehyung came through the livingroom from the bathroom and went to his spot on the floor.

"You're still trying?" You see, I've been trying to get a response out of him for a while.



"Would you like to go out to eat?"

"Would you like your head served to you on a tray?"

"Which head?" I smiled. He's actually talking to me.

"I'll let you decide." The room fell silent and I started playing with his pants.

"I miss you." No response. "The whole time I was away, I thought of how hot you were under me, and the way you always wanted more."

No response.

"I miss your giggle when I'd compliment you. I love how you'd always hide it."

"You guys should just fuck."

I look to Taehyung and he's wrapped up on the floor and his head is peaking out. He has a shit eating grin on his face. I honestly don't know what to say to him.

"Jungkook, please give me a second chance." He looked down at me.

"Please shut the fuck up."

"I'm begging."

"Show me that you won't hurt me again and I'll think about it."

I sit up and go in for a kiss. His hand shoves my face away and I fall to the floor. "I'm hungry. Let's go out to eat." He gets up and steps on my hand.

I wince and follow him as he walks out of the house and to my car.


The beginning of the ride is silent until Jungkook decides to speak.

"What made you change your mind?" I sneak a peak at him and he's looking out of the window.

"I've been thinking of the pros and cons of being with you. The pros won."

"Who said I still want to be with you? I've moved on. Besides, the only thing I need is sex and that's what I'm getting."

"From those people?! Jungkook those people are-"

"Those people are what? Dirty prostitutes? Walking sex toys? Don't worry I'm protected. Not that you cared."

"Jungkook...I care. That's why I'm with you now."

"No, you don't care because if you did you would've never left." I lick my lips. The air seems to be getting thicker.

"Look, I came back. I'm here now.  I'm sorry for what I did. It was very immature. I'm sorry, but can we just forget that. Can we start over?" I feel his eyes on me and he sighs.

"Fine. But we'll start as associates okay?"

"Fine by me."

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