i would say i just noticed but really i've known this for a while oops

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so instead i'll say "i've decided to point out"

that all of my favourite characters are (not female like i pointed at out in the last chapter but thats not what i wanted to point out in /this/ chapter) not the MAIN characters

like i mean sure yuta, makoto, and mika are considered main characters but i mean like the very /MAIN/ character

like even though makoto's a main character in free! i'd say the /main/ character is haru

and then in kiznaiver the /main/ character is katsuhira even though the seven are all main characters

and then in owari no seraph the very main character is yuu

but yeah

i just wanted to point that out oops

- Grayson

how life is when you're a piece of trashWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt