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so overwatch is a p popular thing nowadays

and i really only got into it bc my brother came back from college and bought overwatch and ranted to me about it,

i dont play the game,,

for two (probably more)))) reasons,

1: if its for a console, we probably dont have the correct console, if its for a computer, we either have a computer thats fast but isnt good for playing games, or a computer thats good for playing games but is slow aS fuck

2: i cant play games that well

and a questionable 3??: anything online i cant do, the other people would scare me too much


even if i dont play the game,, i still very much enjoy the lore and shit (and i watched jacksepticeye play overwatch so the gameplay is also pretty nice too))

so far my favourite character is either hanzo or d.va

(although a few others that i like are tracer, ana, genji, mccree, and reaper, and basically everyone else))

also can i just talk about how dva is actually the cutest????

like how??? holy shit???????

and her voice is just so cute holy helll,,,

idk i love dva

((i also really like hanzo too though,, he was really the reason i got into overwatch because i just kept seeing fanart of him,, with mccree also usually))

also this isnt overwatch related but its school related and im honestly v proud of myself??

i got a ( or is it "an" idk) 100% on a social studies test we had that was super long and im just really happy bc i was one of the only kids in my class that got all the questions right and holy fuck i thought i would get like 2-3 questions wrong,,

but yeah,

im in love with dva and i love social studies good-afternoon

- Grayson

how life is when you're a piece of trashWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt