Untitled Part 26

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I wake up with one thought going through my head. Let's take a day off. I change into random clothes, get a bag and go out. No weapons, no training, no missions, just a normal day off. I walk to the ramen shop and have a bowl for breakfast; Naruto has really rubbed off on me. After breakfast I get some flowers and go to my parents graves, telling them everything that has happened since I left. I walk out of the cemetery and through the streets, wow it's a bit quiet today. Everyone is walking to one area and I decide to walk with them. Once there I'm too far back to see so I push myself through the crowd to the front. It took quite a while but I finally made it to the front, I look up to see the Hokage, Minato and Naruto.

"After all these years the fourth Hokage has returned to our village, I present him with this and re-name him... Hokage of the leaf village." Everyone cheers as Minato gets the Hokage cape and hat. He waves at everyone; I get bored and push through the crowd again to once again walk through the empty streets.

I walk for a short while before hearing my name being called behind me, I stop and turn around to see Naruto running up to me.

"Naruto? Aren't you supposed to be with your dad?" He steadies his breathing before smiling at me.

"Yeah but I saw you leaving and I wanted to say hi... Hi."

"Hi," I smile back as he rubs the back of his head. "So, it must be cool."


"Having your dad back, being the son of the Hokage. You'll finally get the respect you wanted."

"Yeah," his voice doesn't sound too happy as he looks to the ground.

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy?" I really get worried about him, he's meant to be happy.

"I am it's just..."


"I'm going to get respected for the wrong reason. I want people to like me for who I am and what I've done. I want a true friend." This upsets me; I am a true friend, I don't know what to say and all I can think of is slapping his cheek and calling him a...

"IDIOT!" Then I run away from him, he tries to catch up but I'm faster and he soon loses track of me.

Part way through running I start to cry to the point I can't see and I force myself to stop.

When I stop I realise how much I really am hurt by what he's said, does he not think of me as a true friend? I start to feel my emotions take over but I fight it, I can't scare anyone again. I start losing the battle and my hair starts turning black at the top when I hear someone behind me.

"Killua?" It's a soft voice; I turn around to see Sasuke. Once he sees my face he looks shocked, my eyes must have changed colour, his face then goes soft and he comes up to me before giving me a hug. "Please don't cry." My power calms down but my emotions are still raging. I don't know how my emotions aren't activating my powers anymore but I'm thankful for it. "What's wrong?" Sasukes' soft voice sooths me, I didn't know he could be like this.

"N-Naruto." My voice becomes shaky as I cry into Sasukes' chest.

"What did he do?" Sasuke sounds angry when saying this but I can't help but let it out.

"H-he s-sai-d h-e w-wan-nts a t-true f-fri-iend. I-it's l-lik-ke h-he d-d-does-sn't th-ink of m-e as a t-t-t-true f-riend." I struggle to talk through the tears and I wouldn't be surprised if he can't understand me. I think he did understand me because he hugged me tighter and started stroking me hair.

"Don't listen to that idiot."

"B-but h-he's m-my fi-ir-st f-fr-ri-rien-d!" I cry and cry into Sasukes chest and he does nothing other than hold me. When I finally clam down he doesn't let me go and... I don't really want him to let me go. We stand in silence, enjoying each other's company... until we get interrupted.

"Killua, the Hokage would like to see you; please come with me." ARE YOU FOR REAL! I try to lightly pull away from Sasuke and he gives me a tighter hug before letting me go.

"See you around." I smile at him and he smiles back before I get dragged away to see Minato. I guess Naruto said something... the idiot... the kind idiot... my best friend. All I wanted was a day off!


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