They know my identity

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Not long after we made it to a boat that will take us to the Land Of The Waves. I’m resting on the side of the boat as Sakura won’t stop asking about me and Naruto. I sigh in annoyance, luckily she stops talking when Kakashi tells her and Naruto to be quiet.
“If we get found out we could be killed on the spot, so I suggest that you all are quiet.” I wasn’t saying anything but fine, tell me off too. We sailed for a bit before making it to land, once on land the boat leaves right away and we walk through the forest.
When walking on land Naruto and Sakura gain their loud voices back, I look at the ground to try and tune them out. However they stop talking on their own, I look up to see why and I see a huge sword. On top of that sword was a ninja with bandages over his mouth, wait that’s Zabuza Momochi; I can’t let him see me. I pull me hood further over my head to make sure he doesn’t see my face. Zabuza looks back over his shoulder and looks sternly at Kakashi, guess he doesn’t like him. Naruto sees this as his time to shine and luckily Kakashi stops him.
“You’re in the way, get back.”
“But why!?” Naruto looks angry about this but I couldn’t be happier.
“He’s not like the other ninja; he’s in a whole other league.” Damn right, I still have a scar from that guy. “If he’s our opponent I’ll need this.” I get curious as Kakashi starts to lift his head band from over his eye to revile a scare over his eye and a Sharingan!
“Kakashi the Sharingan eye, did I get that right?” When this is said I see Sasuke flinch, probably because the Sharingan belongs to his family tree. “I want you to hand over the old man.”
“Protect the bridge builder and stay out of this fight!” Kakashi yells the order and the other 3 do as they’re told but I stay in the shadows… where I belong.
“So I’m to eliminate you first Kakashi? So be it.” He grabs his sword and vanishes, only to reappear on the water. “Water art, hidden mist jutsu.” He disappears for real this time as the mist around us gets thicker. Kakashi uses his chakra and surrounds himself in it, not only does it clear enough mist for us to see him but it shows a skilled ninja his thirst for blood, his thriving intention to kill his opponent, it starts to make me a bit nervous. Kakashi must have sensed Sasukes’ nervousness because he calls out to him.
“Sasuke, calm down. I will protect you, all of you, with my life. I will not allow my comrades to die. Trust me.” When he says the last sentence he looks over his shoulder and smiles at the others. The look in his eye shows that he knows I’m gone, luckily he keep quiet about it.
“I wouldn’t be so sure, it’s over.” Zabuza shows up in-between my team and Tazuna. Kakashi uses his Sharingan and gets to him just in time to stab him and have water come out. Zabuza, are you ever going to use a new trick?
“Sensei, behind you.” Naruto calls out to Kakashi as Zabuzas’ clone turns into water. Zabuza strikes his sword at Kakashi just to have him turn into water himself. Kakashi shows up behind Zabuza and puts a kunai to his neck.
“Don’t move.” Zabuza lets out a little laugh.
“Nice try, but I’m not that easy to fool.” He turns into water as the real Zabuza appears behind Kakashi. Zabuza swings at Kakashi but he dodges and Zabuza swings his sword into the ground and swings on it, ending by kicking Kakashi right in the stomach, causing him to go flying. When Kakashi lands Zabuza is already next to him. No surprise from an ex- assassin. Zabuza uses some kunais’ to pin Kakashi to the ground. Once Kakashi fails to get out of the kunais’ grip Zabuza holds his sword above his head, about to strike. As Zabuza swings his sword down I use my speed to go in front of it and stop the sword with my hands and a lot of effort. However, the one thing I didn’t want this fight happened. The force of the sword against my hands cause a wind that caused the bottom of my cape to fly and my hood to come off and set my hair free. Zabuza stands in shock with everybody else, giving me time to get Kakashi free and quickly take him to the others.
After I put Kakashi down I could hear Zabuzas’ laughter behind me. I stand up and turn to him has he does the same to me.
“The Silver Shadow, I thought I killed you years ago.” He’s already said it, might as well have fun.
“Well as you can see I’m still here, with a scar of course.” He laughs again.
“I would have been disappointed if I didn’t leave you with a little something.”
“Wait! Why did he call her the Silver Shadow?” Naruto asks a question, IN THIS SITUATION!
“The Silver Shadow,” Kakashi starts as they look at him. “The Silver Shadow is a hero, not just for the lives she’s saved but also for the dreams she’s created and the hope she’s given to many people in many places. The Silver Shadow is known to travel and bring happiness where ever she goes. She got her name because she is always hidden in the shadows, people never see more that her smile and when they do… they are memorised by her hair, so silver that everyone would give their life to see it, touch it, have it. The Silver Shadow has never lost a fight, never failed a mission and has never been seen by someone that lives to tell about her.” My whole team look at me in amazement.
“Nearly got it right, she has lost a fight… against me.” Zabuza reminds me.
“I was 7 years old; of course I didn’t stand a chance against an assassin.”
“How about a rematch then?”
“Fine by me.”
Zabuza comes flying towards me with the sword but I jump out the way and land in the middle of the clearing.
“You’re faster than I remember.” He compliments me before aiming for me again.
“Training does that.” I say as I stamp my foot on the ground and a solid, dirt wall separates us. Zabuzas sword demolishes my wall in an instant and I smirk, not expecting any less. Zabuza runs towards me with his sword in hand, I use my chakra to make me faster while I use my technique. I put my hand over my heart and move it away as a line of chakra forms between my heart and my hand. Once Zabuza realized what I was doing I saw horror in his eyes but since I was doing this really fast he didn’t have time to stop. I hold my line of chakra between both my hands and make it the shape of a large square. Before Zabuza could stop he plunges his sword into my chakra, which is right in front of my heart. Once his sword is fully in my chakra a make it disappears and he stands there for a moment, not expecting me to use that technique. I use this moment to kick the middle of both his legs, tripping him so he faces the ground as he lies down. As he starts to get up I use my speed and my chakra to pull his sword out of my heart and stab him in his back. I was about to push it in deeper but three needles come out of nowhere and hit vital parts in Zabuzas neck. We all look up to see someone in a mask, at this moment I’m so focused to Zabuza that I don’t listen to the conversation between Kakashi and the masked man. Before I knew it Kakashi pulls me away from Zabuza and the masked man takes him away from us.
After the man took Zabuza away I stood still staring into space… for no reason, I guess I’m confused of what to do. My team know my identity, can I trust them? Does it even matter?

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