We finaly made it

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After the man took Zabuza away I stood still staring into space… for no reason, I guess I’m confused of what to do. My team know my identity, can I trust them? Does it even matter?... no, no it doesn’t matter, I trust them. I faintly smile to myself as I come to that realisation. I turn around to see the others looking at me.
“You’re the Silver Shadow,” Kakashi still can’t believe it.
“I didn’t know you were so known and so… AWESOME!” Naruto praises me.
“That man nearly killed Kakashi but he didn’t land a scratch on you.” Sakura stairs in awe.
“He did, just not during this fight.” I look down while remembering the feel of his sword through my hip.
“What do you mean?” She asks and I just look at each of the others and they look back, confirming that they want to see. I sigh then take off my cape and bag, then I slowly lift the side of me shirt to reveal a pink scar along my right hip. All of them gain a shocked face; Sakura gasped and started to tear up.
“Don’t look like that; this looks perfect compared to when I got it. It hurt so bad I nearly called for help.” I pull my shirt down and put my bag and cape back on. “Come on, we’re nearly there,” I give them all a smile before pulling up my hood and walking in front. As the other start walking behind me Kakashi falls to the ground. We all rush to him and I start to check how he’s doing.
“What’s wrong with him?” Sasuke asks; when I finished my examination I stand up.
“He’s fine, just ran out of energy. I guess the Sharingan took more energy than expected.” Tazuna gives Kakashi a piggy back ride while Naruto carries Tazunas’ bag.
Once we reach Tazunas’ house it has already gotten dark. We go inside to be greeted by a young woman with long, brown hair and matching eyes.
“Father! You’re home and you have friends with you.” She gives us all a smile, “Nice too meet you, my name is Tsunami and I’m Tazunas’ daughter.”
“Tsunami can we have introductions tomorrow, we’ve had a long day and we have someone who’s passed out.” Tazuna takes Kakashi to a spare room to rest.
“Oh my, let me show you four to the guest rooms.” She walks upstairs and we all follow, she stops in front of two rooms. “The boys can sleep in here,” she points towards one room, “and the girls in here,” she points towards the other.
“Thank you Miss Tsunami,” Sakura thanks her as we all walk into our separate rooms.

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