He kissed me!

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Killua P.O.V
I wake up from Illumis’ knock out drug to find myself being carried by Minato, heading towards the bridge. Once we’re on the bridge all I can focus on is a raging, red chakra coming from… NARUTO! Naruto is fighting Haku, landing punch after punch. That is NOT Naruto! The whisker like lines on his cheeks look vicious, his nails are shaper than knives, his eyes are like an animal and his expression… it’s something that causes fear in the depths of my soul. Minato realises I’m awake and puts me down before running to help Kakashi fight Zabuza. I look over, unsure of what else I can do; Minato creates a ball of chakra in his hand as Kakashi makes a ball of lightning in his. They both run at Zabuza, Kakashi at his front and Minato at his back. Suddenly Haku notices Kakashi, runs from Naruto and goes straight in front of Zabuza, taking the hit in the process. Once hit Minato hits Zabuzas’ back; so now Kakashis’ hand is threw Hakus’ heart and Minatos’ hand is threw Zabuzas’. We all stay silent as both Haku and Zabuza fall to the ground… dead.
“HOW THE HELL!” we look to the end of the bridge to see Gato, the one that wanted to kill the bridge builder.
“Are you happy?” I look at the ground as I ask him.
“Are you happy?! You got two people killed and tried to ruin a village!” I swing my head up and I give him the death glare.
“If that expensive bum couldn’t do the job then I’ll have to do it myself.” Takes out a sword and runs at Tazuna but I go in front of him and break his sword with my bear hands.
“Good luck with that.” I throw my hand out and it goes right into his chest, I grab a hold of his heart and rip it out. Once it’s out I know he still has a few seconds left, I use this time to crush his heart in front of his greedy face before he collapses to the ground.
Everyone is silent, not knowing what to do with three dead bodies, that is before Sakura screams.
“SASUKE!” She runs to him and collapse to her knees beside him, this causes everyone else to run to him as well. There is Sasuke… dead. No! He can’t be dead! I start joining Sakura in crying.
“How did this happen?” Kakashis’ voice is soft; I know he’s really upset too.
“I was in a trap… He took the hit for me.” Narutos’ voice shakes, he’s seconds away from crying too.
“S-Sak-kur-a” she looks at me with her tear filled eyes. “M-Move… please.” Without a word she stands up and cries into Kakashis’ chest. I move next to Sasuke, examining his wounds, I take out one of Hakus’ needles. There’s not too deep, I’ll survive. I take out the rest of the needles and place both of my hands on top of his heart. I use my power to heal Sasuke, bit by bit his injuries heal up and I feel every injury form on my body. It’s like invisible needles stabbing into every nervous system I have… I’m going to be fine… It’s for a friend! Once Sasuke is healed up I pray that he is alive, luckily he opens his eyes and sits up, like he was only asleep. When he sits up I tackle him in a huge hug, Sakura joins in and soon enough the others do too. We all let go and Sasuke looks confused.
“I-I was dead. How am I alive?”
“It’s thanks to Killua.” Minato pats my shoulder and everyone looks at me, not noticing the wounds under my clothes.
When everyone accepted the fact that I could heal people we all went to Tazunas’ place. Bing sure to berry Zabuza and Haku earlier. Once we arrive at Tazunas’ home I go straight to the bathroom, with my bag. I bandage up my injuries as fast as I can, any longer and I would’ve died of blood loss. I finish
putting on clean clothes, loge sleeves and full trousers, then there’s a knock at the door. I walk to the door and open it to see Sasuke. 
“Hey, how are you doing?” I ask in a kind voice.
“I’m doing great, thanks to you.”
“I’m glad you’re okay.” His cheeks tint red and I put my hand on his forehead.
“W-What are you doing?” His face becomes a deeper shade of red.
“I’m checking for a fever, you keep going red. Is there something I can do to make you feel better?” I take my hand away from his head and he moves closer to me. We keep moving back until I’m against a wall and he’s not too far from me.
“There’s one thing you can give me, it would make me feel more than better.” He moves closer, I didn’t know that was possible, he rests his head on mine.
“And what is that?” My voice is a shaky whisper; he moves his head so our lips are millimetres away from touching.
“This,” he whispers back before putting his lips on mine, a kiss. He’s kissing me? What? Why? I’m not sure what to do; I never kissed a boy… or ANYONE! 
“WHAT?” Sasuke pulls away, his whole face a dark red and I’m sure mine is too. We both look to the door to see Sakura; her expression is a mix of anger, sadness and betrayal. I can’t hurt my friend. Sakura runs out the house and I run after her.

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