They grow up so fast

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I sit on the swing for a while just crying for what seems to be no reason.


"What's wrong?" I look up to see Sakura and Winry a few steps away. I guess I was so out of it that I didn't notice their presence.

"Feeling lonely." They both 'aww' and suffocate me in a hug and for the first time, I welcome it. They both let me go with determination in their faces.

"Don't worry Killua we want to take you out." Winry smile as she says this.

"Come on, we're getting ready at my place." Sakura grabs my hand and starts to drag me to hers.

"Get ready for what?" I don't really care what, I'm just happy to have someone around.

"You'll see when we get there." Winry says as she grabs my other hand and drags me as well.

After spending 3 hours at Sakuras' house all three of us are ready and on our way out. Sakura has a red dress that starts as pink at the top and turns into red as it goes down. Winry has a purple dress that has some beads to make it shimmer in the light. Sakura has her hair down while Winry put hers up and they both have pink lipstick and their eye shadow matches their dress'. They FORCED me to wear a DRESS!!! Luckily for me they let me pick which one I was put into, I was also allowed to chose which heels I was put into but I wasn't allowed to have flat shoes, bummer. They sat me down as Winry violated my hair, by putting bits of black in it, while Sakura done my makeup, poking my eye multiple times when I tried to get away. Thankfully, with a huge fight, they only straightened my hair and left it down. Now they're dragging me to who knows where to do who knows what, all I know is I NEVER wear a dress or heels so now my feet are killing me and I feel as though everyone can see up my dress, even if they can't.

We stop in front of a large building, Winry and Sakura smile at each other as I finally get a rest, they both stare at me.


"We're here, aren't you going to open the door?" Sakura answers my question.

"Um, okay?" I stand straight and push open the door.

"SURPRISE!" When the door is open all my friends, distant or close, jump up and yell in unison. I stand in shock with a huge, stupid grin on my face.

"Oh my jebus." I cover my mouth with my hands as I look around the greatly decorated hall. There's a huge buffet, a stage, streamers and balloons, the one that catches my eye is the huge, floating 1 and 6 balloon.

"Happy 16th birthday Killua." Sakura and Winry come into my blurry vision, hugging me as I try to hold back the tears of joy. They pull away and I don't know what to do so I say 'thank you, so much' and let out a little giggle as I stop myself from ruining my makeup, right away everyone is laughing with me.

It's 5 minutes after the party has started and I've had a tone of birthday wishes, I've been told I have a huge table full of gifts for me.

"Hey Killua." I turn around to see my cousin Killua, Gon, Naruto and Sasuke.

"Hey guys." I greet them with a huge smile, cousin Killua moves forward and wraps me n a big hug, which I happily return.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you, it's the first time I ever put on a dress so it feels strange."

"There's a first time for everything, happy birthday."

"Thank you." We pull away from our hug and they all put a guilty look on their faces'. "What's wrong?"

"We're sorry." Gon looks down as he answers me.

"For what?"

"Ditching you." Naruto refuses to look me in the eye as he speaks.

"There's no need to be sorry."

"Sakura and Winry told us that you were crying earlier, it's a huge reason to be sorry." Sasuke actually looks upset about something. I'm stuck in shock but I put a smile on my face.

"I was only sad because I didn't understand, I understand now and it was worth it." They look shocked that I'm forgiving them but soon they join me in smiling.

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