There for a friend

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After Walking for a few miles I see a puddle on the floor, I see Kakashi has noticed it too. Weird, it’s pure daylight and hasn’t rained… for… days… ha-ha! The idiots don’t think I haven’t seen a trick like that before. I see it everywhere but they did hide it quite good. As we walk on Naruto throws a kunai trying to be heroic, Sakura scolds him for nearly hitting a rabbit… A snow rabbit. These people are idiots.
“Down!” Kakashi yells and we all lay on the floor as a kunai flies above our heads. Personally I would’ve jumped but hey, that’s me. When we all get up a couple of ninjas jump out the woods, luckily for us there’s only three of them. Naruto looks scared out of his mind as Sakura and Sasuke go to each side of Tazuna. One of the ninjas walks a step in front of the others.
“I’ll make this easy, give us the man and we won’t bite.” Now I take a set towards them, making sure my hood covers my face.
“No, I’ll make this easy for you. Go away and you won’t suffer but you fight and I will hurt you.” I let them barely see my eyes as I give them a death glare. The ninjas laugh as my team look shocked and Tazuna look interested. The ninja in front throw a kunai and it aims for Kakashi, right away Kakashi gets hit, great just great. Another ninja aims the next kunai at Naruto but Naruto is too scared to move a muscle. Just in time I clash myself with Naruto and we both land on the ground, I sit up and look at him concern written all over my face. “Are you okay, Naruto?” He winces from a bit of pain and puts up his had to show a cut, the kunai must have caught his hand in the last second. I curse under my breath for letting Naruto get hurt before standing up and walking to only a foot in front of the ninjas. “I warned you.” My voice is stern and a bit scary as I release my chakra so they can see how powerful I am.
After I use my speed to go through them all and my chakra to hit them on the head in under a second I tie them up with someone’s rope and stare at them all, fighting to torture them one by one for hurting me team. Kakashi comes out of the trees and the other him, on the floor with a kunai in his heart, disappears in a puff of smoke.
“Wow Killua, I didn’t know you were that fast.” He compliments me but I don’t pay any notice.
“Are you going to get info from these punks or can I kill them now?” Everybody looks shocked that I would say something like that but honestly I just wanted to rip their throats out with my bear hands.
“I don’t think we need to kill them,” Kakashi takes my shoulders and moves me out the way as he walks towards the terrified group on the ground. “Why do you want the bridge builder?” He asks them and they seem to panic.
“We don’t want him, really!” They try to get out of it but Kakashi just moves aside, so I’m in their view.
“Do you want to answer to her instead?” I give them a death glare, which I wish could really kill right now.
“No, nononono!!!”
“Why do you want the old man?” Kakashi sounds more threatening this time.
“Gato hired us to kill him.” The team seemed shocked by this, Tazuna looked disappointed and I didn’t care.
“Why is Gato after him?”
“We don’t know, I swear.” Once that is said Kakashi knocks them all out with a punch each.
“Why does Gato want you?” Kakashi turns to Tazuna and Tazuna looks at me for help. With a sigh I walk in front of him.
“Gato is a rich man, rich men want more money. Since Gato gets his money from the Land Of The Waves he wants to keep it that way. If Tazuna builds the bridge then the Land Of The Waves wouldn’t need Gato anymore and then he’ll get no money. If there’s no bridge then Gato still gets his money, if there’s no bridge builder then there’s no bridge.”
“This is not a C rank mission, this is a B rank maybe even an A rank mission. Why did you class it as a C rank mission?” Kakashi stands tall and scary when trying to intimidate Tazuna.
“I don’t have the money, Gato has all the money we had, I’m lucky I didn’t call it a D rank mission. Please, we need the bridge and you already agreed to the mission.”
“No, we assigned for a C rank mission. I’m taking you all back to the village so you can call it a B rank and Naruto can get his wound healed and poison free.”
“No!” Naruto gets out his kunai, “I faced an enemy and got scared, I couldn’t fight, I couldn’t even move.” Naruto stabs his kunai into his wound, “I promised to protect this old man and complete this mission, that’s what I’m going to do. I will NOT turn back, not now, not ever!” Kakashi goes over to Naruto.
“That’s a nice little speech and a good way to get out the poison but if we don’t get this treated you will die of blood loss.” This freaks out Naruto and he starts to run around in a panic. I walk up to him, grab his hand and sit him down. I take a first aid kit out my bag and start to wrap up his injury. For some reason Sasuke keeps giving Naruto the death glare, I still don’t understand why.
“Naruto,” he looks up from the ground, “that was a brave thing you done. You may be a knuckle head sometimes but you’re a great friend and a noble person.”
“But I done nothing, you had to protect me. Thank you for that, I’ll probably be dead by now if it wasn’t for you.” Naruto interrupts me and what he says gets me thinking.
“Naruto, don’t bother thanking me for something like that. If you help me like that I won’t thank you. We’re friends and we do anything we can to help each other or support each other in any situation. It would be lame if we thanked each other for every little thing.” I smile at him as I finish up and he smiles brighter than I’ve ever seen.
“So this is what it’s like to have a friend.” His statement shocked everybody but my instantly smiled back and nodded a ‘yes’ at him. When I put everything back in my bag and put my bag on my back Naruto comes close to me. I don’t know what I expect him to do but what he does is not it. He moves closer than ever towards me, he curls his hands round either side of me waist and moves hid head onto my shoulder. He is hugging me.
“Thank you,” he hugs me tighter, “thank you so much, for being the only one there for me.” I feel his head hide in my neck and I see his shoulders up and down. Is… is he crying? I move my arms around his neck to hug him back.
“I’ll always be here for you.” I know the others are staring at us right now but I don’t care. I’m here for a friend and that’s all that matters to me right now.

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