Gaara and I have history

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I was on a mission; I was 5 years old, sent to assassinate an assassin, funny right. I had my hood up and was walking through the deserted streets of the sand village trying to find something to do; I had to wait for my target to come back to the village before I could attack, it needs to look like suicide in his own home. I spot a park, there are a lot of kids playing but there's one kid on his own, he looks upset and alone. I walk up to him, sit down right next to him and I can see him stare at me through the corner of my eye. I turn to face him with a welcoming smile on my face.

"Hello," he looks as though he's debating whether or not he should reply.

"You're not scared?" Why would I be scared? He's what... 5?

"No." I laugh a little at the end; he doesn't know who I am so I can't blame him for thinking I'll be scared. I see his face lighten up a little as he stares at me. However, I sense something coming at us and it's coming fast. I turn and get ready to block it but it doesn't come near me. It goes for the boy, I watch as it gets closer to him, only for it to be stopped by... sand? He has a solid wall of sand protecting him. I stare in amazement as everyone else runs away in terror; the boys sand stops forming a wall and aims for the man that shot at him. The sand covers the man's whole body before compressing it to the point where blood flew across the sky, telling me the man is dead. The boy turns to me with horror plastered on his face.

"I-I'm a monster." Tears form in his eyes and start rolling down his face. I do the only thing I know I can do; I hug him and whisper in his shoulder that everything is okay. Once his tears have calmed down we pull away and he stares at me. "Y-you're not scared?"

"The Silver Shadow doesn't get scared, besides you've done nothing to make me scared." His eyes grow wide.

"Y-you're the Silver Shadow?"

"That's me." We both smile at each other until his expression drops.

"But I killed someone."

"It was self-defence; he shouldn't have tried to hurt you." The boy's expression lightens up and we both start laughing together.

"GAARA!" A loud voice calls and the boys' head snaps towards the sound, so his name's Gaara.

"I've got to go." He looks depressed at the ground and I quickly give him another hug.

"See you tomorrow, Gaara." I smile at him and watch as he runs off into the distance.

For about a week Gaara and I spend a lot of time around each other. I've learned that he actually has a monster inside of him; luckily I was able to convince him he's not the monster. Something we both can't figure out is why his sand doesn't let most people touch him but it lets me hold on to him non-stop. I'm just glad his sand lets me hold him because his hair is SO SOFT! I'm literally in love with his hair... and his hugs! He may seem mean but he is so nice to me. When he wants to cry I'm his shoulder and when I'm sad he's there to make me smile. One day in the week I was upset that I haven't seen my big brother for a while and Gaara saw that I was sad so he made me a flower out of sand. He is just so cute! Sadly I've just found out my target is back in the village. I easily kill that idiot without spilling a drop of blood. After I walk up to Gaara and welcome him with my usual hug.

"Hey Gaara." He looks troubled.

"Silver? What's wrong?" He's honestly upset that I'm feeling down.

"I need to go."

"Go? Go where?"

"Home, my job's done." Gaara looks as upset as me.

"I don't want you to go." I smile at this; I take out a present that I made for him before I came to meet him today.

"Here you go." I hold out a brown teddy bear with a smile sown into its face.

"For me?" I nod with a smile on my face and a smile creeps onto his face as he holds the teddy to his chest. "Thank you." He smile once more and his smile grows wider as he puts one of his hands above the other, so his palms are touching. Sand starts flying around his hands as he separates them

From each other. Once his hands are a certain length a part I see that there's a rose made out of sand; he holds it in one hand as he passes it to me. The smile on my face grows wider as I hold it.

"Will it stay like this?"

"Yep! It'll only be destroyed if I die or destroy it myself and that's not happening any time soon." We both give each other another hug as we both start crying.

"Bye bye Gaara."

"Bye bye Silver." We pull away and hold hands; every time I step back our arm stretch so we can keep hold of each other. As I step back again our hands start letting go; as our fingers are about to let go of each other I quickly say something and run back home. All he is left with is my whisper in the wind telling him...

"I promise I'll see you again."

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