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It didn’t take too long for Sakura to learn how to do it, the boys haven’t got it yet but they are getting higher. Sakura is standing on the other side so she’s opposite me and after a while Sasuke looks at her.
“Sakura!” Her head turns to him so fast; I thought it might fall off.
“Y-yes Sasuke,” She looks like she’s in heaven, gross.
“Tell me how you got up the tree.”
“No fair! You can’t tell him without telling me!” Naruto uses this to his advantage, well done Naruto.
“I’m not telling either of you, Kakashi said you need to find out yourself.” Sakura crosses her arms and Sasuke goes up to her.
“Please,” Sasuke puts on his ‘charming’ face and Sakura suddenly doesn’t have a mind of her own. She whispers something to Sasuke, he smile and ends up making his way far up the tree but not far enough.
“No fair! Kakashi!” I feel bad for Naruto and it really isn’t fair.
“Naruto,” I call him over and he obeys, when he’s over I motion for him to come closer and he does. When he’s close enough I go near his ear and whisper. “Just focus your chakra to your feet, if you think of a reason to keep you really motivated and keep out doubt than you’ll get higher than Sasuke.” I pull away and give him a smile; he smiles back and tries for a run. He ends up a bit higher than Sasuke and everyone looks at him surprised.
“That’s what happens when you get advice from a pro.” Naruto points a thumb at me when talking.
Ever since Naruto and Sasuke learned what to do they have both been competing to get higher than the other. Kakashi and Sakura got bored ages ago so they went back to the house. They offered for me to come to but I refused so I could keep an eye on the boys. At a point that Naruto and Sasuke jump down from a run I feel the wind getting stronger and I can’t help but shiver. Wearing my PJ’s probably wasn’t the best idea ever. The boys heard me shiver and they both looked my way.
“Are you cold Killua?” Naruto takes a step forward, I nod while hugging myself.
“You should go inside if you’re that cold.” Sasuke looks a little upset about it but I shake my head in refusal. Naruto walks to me, takes off his coat and puts it around me.
“If you get any worse than you should go inside but this should do it for now. That better?” I nod franticly as I hug the orange coat I’m now wearing. I see Sasuke looking mad at Naruto and when Naruto noticed he gave the same look back. What’s with them two? They start running up the trees again and I lean against a tree. After a while I start to feel a little tired, before I know it everything goes black as I fall asleep.
Sasuke P.O.V (BOOM! Didn’t expect THAT did ya?)
I can’t believe it! I have had a major crush on Killua for a few years. I’ve done a tone of stuff to try and get her to talk to me. I’ve run into her in the academy but she carries on walking. The closest I’ve gotten to her is us two talking and laughing on the way to and from missions. After all that we’re only just close friends, how can Naruto come in and all of a sudden be her best friend? I could rip him to pieces at any moment.  I look over at Killuas’ sleeping body, she’s so sexy, Naruto’s coat just ruins the view.
“What are you looking at?” I turn to face an angry Naruto. I’m glad he’s angry, he makes me angry.
“None of your business, idiot.” I face him with a scary look on my face.
“Look, I don’t know what your damn problem is…” I interrupt him while taking a threatening step forward.
“You know full damn well what my problem is! I’ve had a crush on Killua for ages and now you’re all around flirting with her!”
“It’s not my fault she likes me better than you!”
“You dare say that again!”
“She likes me better than you!” That b**ch is about to regret that! I make the hand signs for my fire phoenix jutsu and Naruto makes a tone of shadow clones. As I move my hands to finish my move I feel two hands grab my hands and stop my jutsu. How dare anyone stop me in the middle of a fight!
“Calm down! Both of you!” Kakashi yells at Naruto and I, Naruto obeys by getting rid of his shadow clones and I decide to relax my body. Kakashi lets me go and forcefully sits Naruto and me in front of him. “What do you two think you’re doing? Why are you even fighting?” Naruto gives me the death glare and I happily give it back.
“He’s flirting with Killua!” We both yell at the same time before glaring at each other again.
“W-what?” Killua lightly asks, I panic as I look her way to see her rubbing her eyes. So cute!
“These two are fighting,” Kakashi points to us two. Killua gives us a sad look and I instantly feel bad.
“You two are a team, you shouldn’t fight.” She stands up and walks towards us, she walks slowly as she must still be tired.
“Come on, let’s take you three back.” Kakashi leads us three back to the house and we all went to bed without dinner.

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