First phase begins

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The next day I wake up early, you know why? Today is the day for the first phase of the Chunin exam. I'm not sure why but I'm getting excited about this. I need to show the students that I'm not joking about being in charge, how do I do that? That's when I decide to wear my headbands; that will show them right? I put on my dark purple shorts, my light purple shirt and my net shirt under that. Then I put on my Chunin vest, my leaf headband on my head, my Alchemy headband around my neck, my Sound headband on my arm, my Sand headband around my waist and my Waves gloves on. I don't understand why I decided to get the gloves instead of the headband when I became a ninja there... I guess I loved being the odd one out, we were given a choice and everyone else in the class got a headband, who wouldn't chose something different? Once dressed I head right for Minatos' office, being sure no one sees me on the way.

When I get there I realise that Minato hasn't seen me either, I could have fun with this. I wait until his back is facing me then I start walking up behind his.

"Don't bother, Killua." How did he know I was here?!

"But you didn't see me."

"Yes I did, you were in the shadows so I thought I'll wait for you to come out."


"Because you could be hiding from someone for all I know, you tend to stay in the shadows when that happens."

"You know me that well?" He puts his work down, turns around with a smile on his face and nods at me. Aww, I don't think anyone has got to know any of my tells before, not even brother.

"Nice choice in outfit, show them whose boss." We both laugh after this.

"I just don't want them to look down on me because I'm younger then a normal Chunin."

"I'll tell them how good you are myself if I need to." I can't help but smile, he always finds a way to make my stomach feel weird, a good weird. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go." We head out to the location of the first phase.

When we arrive we go into the large class room and there's only a group of chunin ninja that have been brought in to help out.

"Right, can all of you take a clip bored and take a seat on the chairs against the wall. Is there anyone that doesn't know what they're doing?" Everyone takes a clip bored and a seat, I sit on the desk at the front of the room and Minato stands beside me, looking professional. It doesn't take long for all the noobs to make their way in the room, as they come in I get bored and try to name all the people I know. There's my team, Eds' team, other in my year, Killuas' team, guy-sensei's team are here, Gaaras' team and I think that's all the people I know. Once everyone has sat down, away from their team, I take a few breaths to try and help me be confident, I HATE crowds so much, attention is just NOT my thing. I still feel the need to look confident though, so I playfully push my hands on the desk to help myself jump off and then clap my hands together.

"The smell of nervousness and desperation just reeks. My name is Killua and I'm in charge of the Chunin exam this year." The people that know I'm the silver Shadow are smart enough to keep quiet and just be shocked but the people that don't know start laughing.

"This is the stupidest joke ever!" One guy yells, it starts to annoy me but I can't get mad.

"Does the little princess want to be the examiner?" Another guy is laughing so much he could barely get his words out; be patient Killua, don't get mad.

"I think she's meant to be the entertainment." I think of how I scared my team before, I don't want to scare any of my friends, luckily it helps me control my power but not my anger.

"Why don't you get on a table and start dancing for us?" THAT'S IT!

"Shut up." I say quietly and calmly. They carry on laughing so I smile and they start noticing how I'm reacting. However, they're still laughing so I us my chakra to make a non-harmful explosion, being sure to make my chakra visible and vicious to scare all of them. "I said shut up." I said it in an evil tone and everyone goes dead silent. I slowly stop using my chakra and put a friendly smile on my face. "That's a whole lot better."

"I still don't think you're the examiner." A boy at the front opens his big mouth and gets scared looks from everyone else in the room.

"So you don't think a girl, which has become an official ninja in 5 villages, a chunin in 3 and an ANBU in one is incapable of being the examiner." I'm sure to use an innocent voice to try and stir it up a little more.

"Lies, lies and... lies." He puts his elbows on the table and rests his head on his hands.

"And I guess you think the fact I'm the Silver Shadow is lies as well." This made him stop, everyone that doesn't know is checking my features and looking even more shocked when figure out I'm telling the truth. Once the annoying boy figures it out he stands up and bows to me.

"I'm sorry for disrespecting you; you're my hero and... thank you... for helping me... when I was little." This puts a smile on my face, I pat his head.

"If you're really sorry then I want you to prove it by learning to use manners towards everyone. If you're really thankful then I want you to sit your butt down and pass this exam." He lifts his head and I smile at him again before he smiles back and sits down.

I walk back to the front of the class.

"Right, now all that is over with it's time for your first phase of the exam." I put my fingers in my mouth and whistle. Everyone looks confused until a big, muscular man bashes the door open, scaring them half to death. "Everyone, this is Ibiki. He is your examiner for the first phase; so Ibiki I'll leave all these in your care." I pat his chest, which is about my height, and walk out the door with Minato following.

"It nearly took over you, how did you stop it?" Minato asks me about my power.

"I thought of the last time it took over, I never want that to happen again." We smile at each other. "What if it did take over? You were so quiet, I started to doubt if you were still there."

"I was letting you do your thing, I hardly have any idea what's happening... but don't worry. I'll always be there for you when I'm needed." I turn to face him with a smile on my face, I don't know why but I walk towards him and give him a big hug.

"Thank you." I say in a whisper.


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