Third phase completed

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The next morning I wake up and get in my usual outfit for the chunin exam, time for phase three, I wonder if anyone can survive Menchi's attitude. I head down to the arranged location, being the first one to arrive. It doesn't take long for Menchi and Minato to show up and we wait for all the remaining teams to show up as well.

"Hey Killua." Menchi greets me with a good mood, thank you.

"Hey guys." I welcome them both with a cheerful mood.

"How was yesterday?" Minato refers to my party.

"It was great, thank you so much." His smile grows wider then disappears as he seems to remember something.

"What happened with Kiba and I think I saw you come inside with Sasuke." Busted, I can't lie to Minato but how do I tell him what happened?

"N-nothing." I give him a lazy smile and scratch the back of my head; Minato gives me the look a parent would give a child. "Fine, they might have..." Before I could carry on a rock flies right in front of my face, I look to the direction and once again I don't sense any chakra... apart from all the teams that are here to take the exam. "Can we talk later?" I whisper to Minato as I turn to all the participants, how come I always go out of it when a boy is involved? I didn't even notice everyone arrive. "Now everyone, welcome the third phase of the chunin exams. This phase might be life threatening, honestly I'm not sure; I'm leaving everything to do with this phase to Menchi. I'm going to warn you all now, do NOT put her in a bad mood. Good luck and I hope to see you all at the end." I walk away and Minato follows.

Minato and I, once again, go into a room that has all the teachers in.

"Hi guys, miss me?" I throw my arms in the air as I let out my positive mood. Suddenly Leorio grabs both my hands and holds them near his chest.

"Of course, my princess. Who could resist missing such beauty?" Is he just naturally dramatic? Before I could say anything Minato and Kakashi have already pushed him away.

"Hey kiddo." I look over to see Izumi, I run up to her and I give her a big huge, gaining one in return.

"Hey Izumi, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing well. Just worried about the kids." We pull apart and I give her a lazy smile.

"That's good, Menchi isn't a...... patient person." She gives me a strange look.

"What is the phase?"

"Cooking." At this response a lot of people gave me a look of shock.


"My students can't cook!!" And many more complaints followed.

"Everyone calm down!" They did as told, "if too many people fail this phase then I will get Menchi to change it but for now you just need to hope for the best." We spend the next hour sitting, waiting and talking until it's time for me to go to the phase sight. I feel lazy so I summon two birds, one small to go ahead and one big for me to ride on.

When I'm in the air my small bird has already gotten to the sight, I use my chakra to see what the bird can see and trust me, people are not happy. There is a huge argument, people are upset about...... not passing!?! I get rid of my small bird and the one I'm riding goes faster. Once I'm about 100 feet above the sight I let out my chakra so Menchi looks my way and all the others do the same, all of them wondering who I am. I jump from my bird and land safely on the ground, creating a crater as I do so (Chairman Netero style). Everyone looks at me shocked but all I do is walk to Menchi.

"Menchi, how many teams have passed this phase?" I ask in a calm voice.

"Z-zero." She looks to the ground disappointed.

"Why is that?"

"Because these idiots can't learn from simple hints and they didn't even try using taste and flavour!" Menchi lets her anger out for a while before regaining her poster.

"Menchi, cooking is something you hold dear to your heart, I understand that but these don't. They might not want to cook at all, let alone for a living. Do you know why I chose cooking for this phase?"

"So they know how to survive if they have no food on a mission."

"Exactly, they don't need taste and flavour; they just need to make something that won't kill them." I turn my voice a little cheerful at the end but Menchi wasn't taking it, she bows for her waist.

"I'm sorry for failing you, I'm not worthy of being an examiner."

"You're the only person I could think of being the examiner for this task. I'm still going to let you keep your place but I want you to give all the teams a second chance and try to be a little nicer this time by giving them an example with instructions." She raises her head and gives me a huge smile.

"I won't fail you!" She turns to the teams with a powerful look as she puts her hands on her hips, she hasn't changed. "Alright you maggots, you're all getting a second chance and this time I want you to make.... A boiled egg." A lot of people are left dumb founded but I guess they don't realise how hard this is going to be.

We all go up onto a mountain outside the village, I've decided to stay will them so it stays as a fair phase.

"In this large crack in the mountain is where lots of special eagles lay their eggs, I want all of you to go down, get and egg and climb back up. Be careful though, if an eagle catches you then they will hurt you in any way possible, the only way to get rid of them is to jump but don't worry, there's a fast lake at the bottom to catch your fall and take you all the way to the ocean." A few people are excited while others are terrified, Menchi turns and jumps down the crack. It doesn't take long for her to come back up with a large egg in hand. "Your turn." She gestures to the crack she just came from and teams jumped in or climbed in, being sure to help each other on the way. I can't help myself as I jump in too and grab 2 eggs for myself. We all boil them and are able to eat them ourselves. A lot of people are surprised as they eat the eggs, taken aback by their dreamy taste. "These eggs are easy to find within the wild, they're mainly on mountains where it's hard to reach. They are hard to obtain, this is the safest place to get them. I hope all of you now understand how difficult it is to obtain decent food when in the wild, you need to know what's safe to eat, how to obtain it and how to cook it to the point it's safe to eat." Then it's my turn to face the crowd.

"The third phase of the chunin exam is finally over! Only 48 teams remain! Good luck for the next phase! You're really going to need it." I whisper the last part to myself as everyone walks back to the village.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2016 ⏰

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