The land of alchemy

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A/N - Because why not?


It didn't take too long for the boys to decide they need to train, we decided to meet up some time tomorrow and hang out. Once they left I thought I'll look around the village to see if I can meet any more teams that have come for the Chunin exam. It's been a while and I've had no luck, I might as well head home. As I turn the corner to go home someone crashes into me for a second time today, except this time they land on me. Just great, I'll get a concussion if this keeps happening. The person on top of me goes from laying on me to being on his hands and knees above me, let's just say... awkward. His golden eyes looked into mine before he gets yanked up by his blond hair; I use this time to get up myself. The blond boy is getting yelled at by a black haired woman, who's wearing a white coat.

"How dare you run off like that! And into a young lady too!" The woman looks scary when she yells, she reminds me of a demon.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I swear! It was an accident!" The boy vigorously shakes his arms in front of himself. Wait, I look at his arms to see a bit of silver under his sleeve, is that? His sleeves come to his elbows to reveal... A STEEL ARM?!? I stand in shock as another blond boy and a blond girl come round the corner as well.

"Who's this?" The girl asks and they all look at me. The woman gives the first boy a death glare, which scares the life out of him. He comes up to me and bows down.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you, if there's anything I can do to make it up to you please let me know."

"It's alright," I smile and they all look a little shocked that I'm okay with it, "it's not the first time I've been run into today. I'm guessing you guys are guests in the village?"

"Yes we are; we're here for the chunin exam." The woman explains for them all.

"In that case, it's nice to meet you, my name is Killua." I lightly bow down and they all smile at my kindness.

"My name is Izumi Curtis; I'm the sensei of this team. This idiot that ran into you is Edward Elric, this young boy is Eds' little brother, Alphonse Elric. This young lady is Winry Rockbell."

"It's nice to meet all of you, if there is anything you need please feel free to ask."

"Well, I hope you don't mind but we were just trying to find the Hokage. Can you please point us in his direction?"

"I'll do you one better, follow me." I start walking to Minatos' office AGAIN!

We reach Minato once again and this time the guard ninja just let me in, I guess even he's getting bored of me coming back and forth.

"MINATO!" He looks up from his work with a smile on his face.

"Look whose back, how many times have you came here today?"

"I lost count, so this is another group for the chunin exam; they said they want to talk to you." He looks up to Izumi then at Ed before standing up to shake Izumis' hand.

"It's nice to see you Izumi, Killua; can you please take the others out while I talk to Izumi?" That's new; he's normally okay with me knowing things, it's probably so these don't know.

"Okay, come on guys." I start walking out the building with the other three walking behind me.

I walk to the trees not far from the building.

"That was strange; I wonder what they're talking about." I let my thoughts wonder out loud.

"What's so strange about it? The Hokage wanted to talk to someone and didn't want us to hear." Edward questions me since he doesn't know how close I am with Minato.

"Minato is a friend of mine; he never cares if I listen to something; if anything he prefers me to be there with him."

"You're friends with the Hokage?!" All three of them yell at me, I cover my ears in attempt to block them out... it doesn't work.

"Yeah, he was best friends with my dad, he's been looking out for me my entire life and I'm best friends with his son." They look at me in awe.

"That's so cool; you must be really high in the ranks." Alphonse leans forward as he says this.

"I am pretty high in ranks but that's not why." They all give me a questioning look. "Minato only returned a few days ago, I turned high rank before that. Ever heard of the Silver Shadow?"

"Wait... are you?"

"THE SILVER SHADOW?!?" Winry starts the sentence that all of them finished.

"Yes I am." They all just stare at me, I guess they like my work. "Now you know about me, tell me about you guys."

"W-Well, we're from the land of alchemy. I don't know anything else we can tell you." Edward brings back a tone of memories.

"The land of alchemy! I loved that place!" I start to fan-girl over my old times in the land.

"You've been there before?"

"Yeah, I heard how they specialise in equal exchange and I couldn't keep away any longer." I put my hands on my cheeks and I'm sure I have sparkles in my eyes. "How they use chakra to break down atoms and then put them back together to make something completely new. Best of all the fact that they can only make something that's the same mass of what they use is so fascinating. My visit there was one of the best travels I ever took." When I finished my whole fan-girl rampage they all stare at me with a bit of confusion but mostly amazement, probably because someone as known as me loves their home town.

"I don't know if I should personally be insulted." We turn to see that Minato and Izumi have come outside.

"Minato, I said one of the best from my travels. I live in this village so I'm used to it and I love it more than any." Minato and I smile at each other as the street light start switching on.

"It's getting for night, come on you three, let's go. Minato, Killua, it was a pleasure." Izumi gathers her team and they head off, being sure to wave bye as they leave.

"Killua let me walk you home." I would love for Minato to take me home but I can't let him see that I live in a burnt down home.

"No thank you, I'll be alright on my own."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." I give Minato one last hug for the day, before we part Minato gives me one last squeeze and a kiss on the forehead. I can't help but smile when he does let me go because I haven't had a kiss on the head like that since Illumi still lived with me. I head home and head straight to bed with a huge smile on my face.



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