Killua's weird power

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After a while of walking I see the one and only Kakashi in front of me.
“Hey,” I say simply and he looks shocked.
“You haven’t tried to get a bell from me. Why?”
“No one wants to team up; you won’t pass us unless we work together.”
“I said I’ll pass you if you get a bell, I decided to let you get a bell if you team up. You can still try on your own; I just won’t be nice about it.” I smirk finds its way onto my face as I look at him with devil eyes.
“In that case, let’s play.” Without a word I use my fast speed to run behind him but he figures it out and jumps ahead.
“You’re not a normal girl.” I put my hand over my heart and fake a sad face.
“I’m hurt,” as my smirk comes back I slowly move my hand away from my heart and as it goes out I create a line of chakra, from my heart to my hand. I can see the ultimate shock and amazement in his face. Once I have created a line of chakra at arm’s length I grab the end near my heart with my free hand so I’m holding the line with one hand at each side. Then I drop the line and it simply lands on the floor. Kakashi look dumb found as it does nothing. Suddenly the line starts to move, fast, aiming his way. He tries to out run it but my chakra is faster than any man, without warning it jumps from the ground and raps around a bell before disappearing  and taking a bell with it. Kakashi stands in shock as he realises that one of the bells are gone. He turns to me and sees that I don’t have the bell either.
“So you took a bell but you don’t have it, where did it go?”
“Right here.” I put my hand over my heart once more but this time, when I move my hand away no chakra comes out, just one silver bell. I hold the bell in one hand and jingle it around. “Thanks, I haven’t used that in quite a while, it was fun.” Then I walk away waiting for lunch to come around.
When the bell Kakashi set up goes off we all go back to the starting area. I’m the last to show up and I see Sasuke and Sakura are upset, then there’s Naruto who’s… tied to a post. I point at Naruto.
“Because he tried to eat lunch without promotion.” Kakashi says while folding his arms. I look at Naruto and once again ask.
“I couldn’t fight on an empty stomach,” then he looks as though he realized something and puts his head down, “sorry I didn’t get you a bell Killua.”
“I expected it but thanks for trying.” I smile at him as his face brightens up to his normal self. Then Kakashi looks at us all. He points at Sasuke.
“You fail.” He points at Sakura. “You fail.” He points at Naruto. “You fail.” Then he points at me. “You pass.”
“What?!” All the others scream.
“She didn’t even get a bell!” Why does Sakura not like me? I get my bell from my pocket and once again get it to jingle. Wow, this is hypnotising.
“Not only did she get a bell but she realized the point of this exam.” Kakashi explains as everyone looks surprised that I got a bell.
“What was the point of the exam? We were only asked to get a bell.” Sasuke is supposed to be smart.
“You still don’t get it don’t you. TEAM WORK! I wanted all of you to work as a team to get the bells.”
“But there are only three bells.” Dumb, pink haired fart.
“A real team wouldn’t care, they would work together to help one another without caring if they got something themselves. Killua realised and she helped Sasuke out the ground, helped Sakura wake up earlier, helped Naruto out of my trap AND asked you all if you wanted to team up. However you tree were too dumb to accept. You might not be able to defeat me but if you worked together you would have had a higher chance at getting all the bells.” After Kakashi’s rant the other three looked down in shame. “I’ll tell the academy that there are three getting sent back. I watch as they all get a look of horror on their face.

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