I'm left alone

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When everyone has gone I'm left alone with Minato and Satotz.

"Thanks for your help Satotz, you done great." I give him a hug and he hugs me right back.

"Thank you for this opportunity, it was an honour." We pull away and I wave bye as he goes back to his hotel.

"So, Minato, want to do something?" He looks a little caught off guard by this, but we always hang out since the chunin exams started.

"Sorry Killua but I've got... um... very important work to do. Yeah, I've got work to do!" He looks guilty the whole way through that sentence. He's hiding something from me, or it's just an excuse to leave me but why?

"I always help you with work anyway." This makes him panic more than before.

"Um... Um... this is privet work. Yeah, I'm not allowed to have anyone with me. Sorry Killua, another time, okay?" He doesn't give me a chance to respond as he run off into the village.

"I guess I'll find someone else to hang out with." I say to the air before walking back into the village.

After a long while of seeing no one I know I finally find someone. This someone so happens to be Naruto, I run up to him.

"Hey Naruto!" He looks startled by my sudden greeting.

"Oh, h-hey Killua." He as suspicious as Minato did, as he hides a bag behind his back.

"What have you got their?" I tilt my head to try and get a little look but he moves it quickly.

"It's nothing!" He lets out a nervous laugh.

"Alright," I say, not so convinced, "do you want to hang out?" He gets really fidgety.

"S-sorry Killua, I've got stuff to do."

"What stuff?"

"Y-you know... um... stuff... for... MY DAD! Yeah, I've got to do some stuff for my dad."

"Um, okay. I'll see you around I guess." He runs off without saying another word, he's a terrible liar that can't even say bye, like father like son.

I walk around some more and I'm able to catch Gon and Killua walking together with two boxes each. I run up to them with a smile on my face.

"Hi guys." They turn to me looking as anxious as Naruto.

"Hey Killua, what are you doing?" Gon sounds a little calmer than he looks.

"Looking for someone to hang with, I'm hoping you two could be it." I give them puppy eyes and instantly see the guilt n their eyes.

"Sorry but we have stuff we need to do." Cousin Killua gives me a sympathetic look as they both start walking away. Let's try someone else. I head off to anywhere, hoping to find a friend.

It doesn't take too long for me find Sasuke walking around, I walk up to him, hope building up inside.

"Hey Sasuke." He looks my way, calmer than the others.

"Hey Killua, what are you up to?"

"Just walking around, you?" This makes Sasuke a little out of place like the other were.

"I'm going tooooo... train?" He stretched out his word, he was thinking of an excuse.

"I could train with you." This makes him act a bit weirder.

"N-no, I was hoping to go alone, I need to clear my head so can you please... not."

"Sure, see ya."

"Bye." He says as he walks in the opposite direction of the training fields. I take a slow walk to the park and sit on a swing, lightly pushing myself forward and back. Why is everyone avoiding me? Did I do something wrong? ... It's kinda funny. Before I never even talked to anyone and now... I'm upset that my friends don't want me. I tighten my grip on the swing as tears silently make their way down my face and land on my lap. I want my friends. With this thought I cry even more as I sit alone in the park and the sun starts to go down.


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