First phase finished

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Killua P.O.V

I wake up from a comfortable sleep to find myself in a bed; I sit up and take a look around. The room is pretty clean and average, I can't find any way to tell whose room it is until I look at the night stand. On the night stand is a book that I often see Kakashi read, a picture of team 7, which has Kakashi in the back, Sasuke on the left, Naruto on the right, Sakura in the middle and I'm in-between Sakura and Naruto. I pick up the picture and sit for a while just thinking how different my life would be without my team. I finally put the picture back down and look at the clock I put it next to. I take out my watch I keep on me for travel and check that his clock has the right time. They both have the same time. That means... HE'S ALWAYS LATE ON PURPOSE!!! Well... not anymore! I pick up his clock, move it 4 hours early and put it down. Now he won't be late. I laugh to myself evilly before deciding to get up. From the look of the time the first phase has only gone on for 2 hours, still got 30 minutes left. I clean up the bed cover and make my way down stairs.

I get downstairs to find the main room is empty, I quietly put my head around a corner to find Kakashi sitting at a table, reading a book, with a cup of coffee and his... mask... down... WHAT?! As I process the fact he doesn't have his mask on he notices I'm here.

"Up already?" I nod, still hiding most of my body behind the wall. "Are you okay?" He puts his cup down, showing that he really cares.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, I've just never seen you without your mask before."

"Yeah, I do tend to wear it a lot. Would you like a drink? Tea? Coffee?"

"Tea please." I sit at the table as Kakashi stands up and starts making my drink.

"Sugar?" Kakashi looks over his shoulder as he asks me.

"Two please." I never thought I'd be alone with a man... in his house. Kakashi places a cup in front of me as he sits back in his seat opposite me. "Thank you." We sit in silence for a while as I sip my drink.

"Killua." Kakashi breaks the silence between us.


"I've been wondering... why did you walk into that knife?" I stare into my drink as I think of the reason.

"Because I agree with him."

"You agree that you're a monster?" He looks broken as he says this and I nod in reply. "You're not a monster." His voice holds authority as he says this, which shocks me a little. "You have powers that others don't; it just means that you're stronger than others. If you used them to kill aimlessly and only please yourself then you could be classed as a monster but you're a wonderful person and you use your powers when needed as self defence or for others. You are not a monster and I'll make sure you never turn into one. Do you understand me?" Tears come to my eyes and start running down my face. I stand up and a worried Kakashi stands up as well; I walk towards him and wrap my arm around his neck.

"Thank you," I cry even more as a whisper over and over. "Thank you." He wraps his arms around the back of my waist. When we finally pull away from each other I wipe away my tears with a smile on my face. I finally get a glimpse of the time and horror takes over my face.

"What? What's wrong?" Kakashi looks around but fails to find the reason for my horror.

"I'm... I'm late! ThanksforlookingaftermebutIreallyneedtogoandendthefirstphaseoftheexamBYE!" I rush out the door like lightning, translation or what I said 'Thanks for looking after me but I really need to go and end the first phase of the exam BYE!'

I arrive at the exam room within 2 minutes, bumping into Minato to help me stop. I lightly grab his arm and rest my head on his shoulder, breathing heavily.

"You look exhausted."

"I just ran a 10 minute run in 2 minutes." He laughs lightly.

"They're waiting, are you ready?" I let go of his arm and stand up straight, calming my breathing.

"Yeah, let's go." We walk in to see that only a quarter of the teams have gone, that would leave about 204 teams for the next phases. "Why are there so many people left?"

"Because one of them decided to give an inspirational speech and a lot of people agreed with him." Ibiki doesn't look impressed with it one bit.

"And who was that?" He responds to my question by pointing to Naruto and everyone looks at him. I walk up to Narutos' place and pick up his exam sheet, he hasn't even attempted one question, I lightly laugh. "I didn't expect any different." I put the sheet down and walk back to the front. "Congratulations, everyone left in this room has passed the first phase of the Chunin exam." Everyone looks confused but cheers anyway.

"How? You didn't even look at our scores." Sakura, you little smart @$$.

"This exam wasn't about your scores, it was about being caught."

"But you kicked out all the people that cheated."

"No, I kicked out the people that were caught cheating. If you go off on a mission and end up in a fight then you are likely to try and use a jutsu but the enemy could see you and know what you're doing. However, if you're sneaky enough to not get caught then you have a higher chance of the attack working, since it's a surprise to the enemy. All the people that were caught would've been dead in a real fight but those of you who weren't caught might just have a chance. Now, I'll give you guys a hint for the next phase of the Chunin exam... you might want to bring your running shoes. Exam dismissed! Go tell your teachers that you passed this phase!" With that said, everyone left the room, I thanked Ibiki for his help and headed home to finish my nap from earlier.

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