Cake and... another kiss?

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I walk back inside the large hall with Kiba at one side of me and Minato at the other.

"I found her." Once Minato says this everyone cheers and claps as Minato leads me to a certain spot. I stand awkwardly until two huge doors opened to revile a big cake covered with snowflakes. Pushing this amazing cake is Izumi, giving me the biggest smile possible.

"Happy birthday kiddo."

"It's beautiful, thank you." I find it impossible to take my eyes away from the cake, I've been in love with the snow ever since I was a baby and I rarely saw it so I treasured it that much more.

"I only done what I'm told, it's Minato you should thank, he sorted it out." I look at Minato to see the giant smile on his face.


"When I told you to take Izumis' team outside, I didn't want you to know about your surprise." I smile wide and give him a hug.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you." We pull away, I blow out a few candles and everyone enjoys a piece of delicious cake.

Once again I decide I need fresh air but I decide not to drag anyone with me, so I walk outside on my own. This time I don't go all the way down the garden, I just go around the side of the building to get some fresh air.

"Killua." I look to the side to see Sasuke approach me, I'm too relaxed today, I hardly notice anyone chakra coming my way.

"Hey Sasuke... what's up?" He looks to the ground as he stops in front of me.

"I saw it."

"Saw what?" What does he mean? What could I have done that has upset him?

"Don't play dumb." He looks at my confused face before grabbing my hands and pining me to the wall behind me, holding my hands above my head. I can get out of it but I'm too shocked to even think. He moves forward so his body is pressed against mine and I need to look up to see him. "You kissed him, out of everyone; you picked him over me... I guess I need to change your mind." He moves my hands so he's holding them with one hand, he moves his free hand to gently cup my cheek. He looks me in the eyes for a minute before looking at my lip, biting his own in the process, then looking back into my eyes. By now my legs are shaking for no reason, I don't understand why his small actions are causing my whole body to heat up and my heart to jump in my chest. He stops biting his lip as he leans in more, which I didn't know was possible with how close he already is, he closes his eyes and I mimic this action. Like before, I feel a pair of soft lips on my own pair but this time it last longer as they're moving. Unsure of what to do I move my lips as well, is this a proper kiss? The type of kiss two people share in the books I've read. I lose track of how long we stayed like that but it feels like a beautiful eternity until he slowly pulls away and we both look at each other with our eyes half closed.

We would've stayed like that longer but a small rock suddenly hit Sasuke in the back of his head.

"What the hell?" We look in the direction it came from, it doesn't matter how much I focus my chakra I can't find any trace of anybody.

"Let's go inside." I don't give Sasuke any time to protest as I grab his hand and drag him back inside. When inside a bunch of fan-girls take him from me and I don't even put up a fight as I go and sit down. I spend the rest of the night talking to many people and making a few new friends here and there. At about 1 in the morning the party is over and I head home, thinking over everything that has happened today before finally falling asleep.

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