Run for your life

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All the boys seem to close in on me as I refuse to tell them who kissed me and I'm still hiding behind Sakura.

"I can't be on this side anymore, sorry Killua." Sakura hurries off behind the boys.

"Thanks Sakura, real help." I stand tall and the boys all cross their arms, waiting for me to tell. "BYE!" I scream before using my fastest speed to run away, they attempt to chase me but I'm too fast and they lose track of me really quick. However, I carry on running until I feel like I'm a safe distance away from them. When I stop I sit under a tree to catch my breath, why were they all getting so angry about it?

"Killua, are you okay?" I look up to see Izumi with her team.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just catching my breath."

"Since when do you get tired? You have a lot of stamina." Winry put her hands on her hips as she questions me.

"My team and my cousins team all got mad and scary, so I went as far as I can as fast as I can."

"What got them to scare you?" They all look at me and I just look at Ed, once he figures it out he starts to silently panic. The others see that I'm looking at Ed and figure out it includes him, Izumi walks behind Ed and picks him up from the back of his collar.

"What have you done?" Izumi uses her scary voice and is more intimidating that all the boys put together, making Ed panic more than ever.

"I didn't do anything! I swear!" He kicks his feet and holds the front of his collar to help himself breath.

"Then why were all the guys mad?" I'm sure she's more than a Chunin with power like that.

"Probably because I kissed her!" Izumi drops Ed and we're all silent, the only sound being a bird taking off from a nearby tree.

"Killua, are you okay with that, or should I punish him?" Izumi has calmed down but I'm sure she'll be more than happy to go back to being terrifying.

"I'm fine with it, someone else done it in a different situation. It's the boys that have a problem with it." Ed seems upset when I said someone else done it too, after a few seconds of silence a bird 'caw's and flies around us. Looking at it I realise it has a scarf on... Kakashi summons animals like that... SH*T!!! I focus my chakra and feel a bunch of people coming this way. "Ed, if you're smart I suggest you just... run for your life!" He looks completely confused and does nothing so I run, grab his hand and drag him with me, yelling to Izumi while I'm at it. "TRY TO SLOW THEM DOWN!"

I've been running through the forest for a while, dragging Ed with me so he doesn't get killed. The whole time Kakashi's damn bird hasn't let us out its sight. I go in a large circle to now we're aiming for the village but we need to go close to the others to get to it.

"What the hell are you thinking?!" Ed sounds really panicked.

"Trust me." Ed lets go of my hand, panic written all over his face.

"I'm going to run this way, whatever your plan is, please hurry." Without letting me say a word he runs in the opposite direction of the guys, the bird following him and I carry on my path to the village. Without taking much time I arrive at the main building, pass every guard on the way and burst into Minatos' office. The guards barge in after me but Minato sends them off.

"Killua, what's the matter?"

"Edward... guys... chasing him... need help... fast." I ran so fast that I catch a breath between every few words; luckily Minato doesn't question me again and follows me out the building, leaving another guy in charge for now.

We arrive in the forest, we run around at full speed until we see most of the guys semi-circling a tree. I can feel the chakra pour from each of the guys; I push to the front to see Izumi in front of a cowering Ed, who's sitting on the floor, Winry is scared but protecting his right and Al is doing the same as Winery but with his left.

"Everyone!" Everybody abruptly stops at the sound of Minatos' voice. "Away from the child." All the guys take a few disappointed steps away from Ed, his team staying in place. "Now, can someone please explain what is happening?" Everyone looks a little embarrassed to tell him, I would but I still don't understand, luckily Al takes a step forward.

"Everyone's mad because Ed kissed Killua this morning." Minato nods in understanding, at least he understands because I DON'T!

"Killua, are you angry or upset about it?"


"You only lived with your brother and uncle before; didn't they ever tell you about boys?" I shake my head to motion a 'no'. "Do you even understand a little bit?"

"I honestly have no idea why anyone's mad, it's normal right?" He lightly smiles and pats my head; I only give him a confused look in return.

"All of you are to leave Ed alone, if Killua gets offended and ask for help then you may but in this situation you are to leave him be. Am I understood?" Everyone mumbles a 'yes'. "What was that?" Minato uses a voice of authority and every stands up straight.

"Yes sir." They say in unison, Ed gains the biggest smile, runs towards me and gives me a huge hug.

"Thank you Killua, I owe you big time." All the guys go back to looking scary and Ed instantly lets me go and takes a big step away.

"I have one thing to say." Everyone looks at me, waiting for me to speak. "The next phase of the chunin exam is tomorrow, go train or you're likely to fail." I cross my arm when saying this and the teams goes their separate ways, leaving me and Minato alone. "Thank you for your help." He hugs me and I happily return the gesture.

"No problem kiddo, want to help me with some work?"

"You just don't want to do all the paper work." He gives me a sleepish smile and rubs the back of his neck.

"Guilty." We both laugh.

"Only if I get a piggy back." He turns around and I jump onto his back. "Onwards my mighty steed!"


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