Never doubt yourself

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I don't know what to do while I wait for the first phase to be over so Minato and I head over to a gathering we heard the team leaders are going to be. Sure enough, when we get in there are all the teachers for the teams, foreign or similar. As soon as I take a step inside the room Leorio slides over to me on one knee and grabs hold of my hand.

"My lovely princess! It surly has been too long." Leorio moves my hand closer to his face but is stopped by Minato pushing one of his shoulders and Kakashi pulling the other, from behind him. When he's a few steps away Minato and Kakashi stand in front of me with their arms crossed, I don't know what they look like from the front but whatever they're doing is scaring the life out of Leorio.

"Guys, I'm sure the girl is capable of saying no on her own." One of the teachers say, breaking the silence. Minato sighs and walks over to a hook, he takes of his Hokage overcoat and hat and puts them on the hook before sitting down, Kakashi finds a seat next to him and I'm left to stand here feeling odd; why does everyone have to be older than me??

"Killua, why have you got all your headbands on?" Kakashi looks over to me, already knowing that I have more than one.

"I didn't want people to underestimate me." I think back to the students laughing at me, it was a good plan that didn't work.

"Since when do you care if people underestimate you?" Kakashi looks concerned for me as he asks this.

"Since I was chosen to be the main examiner for the chunin exam." Everyone looks at me with surprise in their face, well, everyone but Minato; he is the one that chose me for the job.

"You're the main examiner?" Leorio points a shaky finger at me, I nod in response. "I should've forced you to stay around us yesterday, I'm sure I could've got you to leak out the plan." Kakashi hits Leorio on the head, leaving a red bump in its place.

"A little girl is the main examiner?!? You do know this is unfair right?!?" A teacher I don't know yells while pointing a strong finger my way. I'm only a little girl? How am I being unfair?... I might spill the plan for future phases. Am I that bad? I nearly did tell the others yesterday. I feel tears build up in my eyes as I question myself.

"I suggest you shut your mouth." Izumi stands up with her arms crossed. "Killua may be younger than us but that doesn't mean she's little, hell, she's bigger than you'll ever be. Having her as an examiner is similar to anyone else being an examiner, if not better. If you say one more word that brings her closer to crying I will beat you myself." The tears in my eyes become thicker as I hear this, a woman I met yesterday is sticking up for me? There is hope for the world.

"The only way a girl as young as that is able to have all those qualifications is if she's a monster, she's got a secret power that can kill us... but I'll kill her first." The stranger takes out a knife and aims it at me; at this point I'm questioning myself so much that I agree. I'm a monster. I have the power to kill everyone in this room in a blink of an eye. I need to be stopped. I look at the knife heading my way and everything is slow motion, one of my uncontrollable powers acting up again. As Izumi goes to punch the stranger and Minato puts his arm out to catch the knife, I move towards the knife. Since everything is slow motion right now I move faster than anyone and I'm able to walk into the flying knife, having it slowly push itself into my forehead. Once it is a good amount in my head time goes normal speed... but no one's moving. I've came to the conclusion that I am a monster but I'm too scared to die, I still have a tone of things I want to do. The knife that's still in my head isn't doing anything but make me look weird, I reach up, pull it out and let my tears flow as I do. Kakashi grabs one of my hands and leads me out the room.

We end up at a close by house; Kakashi opens the door and sits me in the main room and walks out, leaving me to cry in silence. He comes back in with a first aid box and starts tending to my new wound, what's the point? It doesn't hurt. We sit in silence as he finishes with the bandages and I carry on crying.

"All done." His voice is soft; he's probably scared of how fast I was, man, I'm an IDIOT! This causes me to cry even more, I move my hands to cover my face as I cry. I feel a warm pair of arm wrap around me, I move my head to the crook of Kakashis' neck and grab hold of his shirt to ease my frustration with myself. Kakashi does nothing other than hold me and lets me cry my heart out; after a while my crying calms down but I'm exhausted. Who knew crying took away so much energy? That's my last thought as I fall into a comfortable sleep in Kakashis' arms.

Kakashi P.O.V (This is new)

I don't know what to do, seeing Killua cry just crushes my heart. Why would she walk into the knife? Why would she even let a person like that get to her? I swear I could rip that guy's throat out myself. When I finish tending her wound she starts crying even more. SH*T! What's wrong with her? Did I do something? I'm so confused but I honestly don't want her to shed a single tear let alone cry her eyes out. It takes a few seconds but I figure out what might make it better. I wrap my arms around her and pull her into a hug, stroking her back as I do. She almost instantly rests her head on me and grabs hold of my shirt. After a while she calms down, I look at her face and she's asleep... Killua's asleep... in my house... WHAT DO I DO?!? I know she's my student and I shouldn't but... I like her. She's so intelligent for her age, she's fun as well and she's really powerful. All together she's... perfect. NO KAKASHI! NO DON'T THINK LIKE THAT! NOT ABOUT A YOUNG LADY! I calm my thoughts and pick Killua up, bridal style, and walk up to my room. I lay her in my bed and pull the covers up, right as I'm about to stand up temptation takes over; I pull down my mask, reviling my mouth, lean down and plant a single kiss on her rose lips.

"Sweet dreams beautiful." I pull up my mask and walk out the room, quietly shutting the door behind me.


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