They're not normal

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When we get there I jump into a tree and rest on the branches, while reading a book and Sasuke sits by one of the three giant tree trunks in the middle of the opening. Cocky! A while after Sasuke and I show up the other two in our team show up. As always Sakura is obsessed with Sasuke, with the look on his face I actually feel bad for him. Then there’s Naruto who’s trying to get Sakuras’ attention and being really… really loud. God he needs an off button.
At 10 Am Kakashi- sensei still isn’t here. Naruto is moaning that he skipped breakfast like Kakashi said and Sakura is moaning that he’s late. Luckily enough, with a puff of smoke, Kakashi- sensei appears.
“You’re late!” Sakura and Naruto say in unison.
“Sorry, I got lost on the path of life.” The others look dumb found but I understand, I do that sometimes before getting dragged into something. “Where’s the fourth member of our team?” Will these people ever learn my name?
“That Killua girl never shown, I guess she doesn’t want to be a ninja and chickened out.” At least she knows my name.
“Actually she’s up there,” Sasuke points to the tree I’m sitting in and I take it as my signal to come out. I jump out the tree, landing perfectly on my feet, and walk up to the group.
“How long have you been here?!” Naruto looks really impressed.
“I’ve been there since before you shown up.” In the cornet of my eye Sasuke is giving a smirk and I can see Sakura glaring at me because of it.
“Don’t we have a test to do!?!” aww, the poor girl is jealous.
Kakashi stands in front of the four of us and we all go quiet.
“All you four need to do is take one of these bells from me, once you’ve done that, I’ll pass you.”
“But there are only three bells.” Way to point the obvious Sakura.
“There are only supposed to be three people in a team, one of you are defiantly going back to the academy.” This put us all in shock, I can tell Sakura wants to get me out and Sasuke and Naruto are to get each other out. No way, he expects us to get a bell from him when he’s a Joinin and we’re just rookies. Plus he only has three bells that are getting us against each other. The only way some rookies can even get close to landing a hit on him if we… THAT’S IT!
“Kakashi! You and me, here and now! I’m getting one of them bells!” Naruto just shut up!
“Hold on, I didn’t even say go. Ready,” Sakura, Sasuke and I get into a fighting stance, “GO!” Us three jump away, I go into a tree, Sakura under a bush and Sasuke behind a tree. However Naruto decides to stay out. “So you’re trying first.”
“Believe it!” Kakashi reaches into his weapons pouch and pulls out… A book? Naruto looks dumb found and to be honest, so did I. “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like? I’m reading.”
“To find out what happens next.” Naruto gains a smirk on his face.
“Fine by me, just don’t moan when I break your face.” Wow, I admire his confidence but a bit too much I say. Naruto runs at Kakashi and goes in for multiple hits but Kakashi blocks each one. I get bored and look towards the other two, debating whether or not to go to them.
“A THOUSAND YEARS OF DEATH!” I hear Kakashi shout and look back to see him… poke Naruto in the butt. I really need to stop expecting these people to be normal. Naruto goes flying and Kakashi simply walks away. After Kakashi walks away I see Sasuke follow him so I decide to walk around for a bit.

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