Chapter forty-seven

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The faint breeze brushing my skin at afternoon was soothing.

I didn't have breakfast, I just came straight to the hospital to work. Now I'm on break.

But that doesn't last long when my phone rang loudly.

Quite some time passes until I managed to find it in my long wide dress the pockets were big, but whoever seemed to call me was desperate to get a hold of me because they keep ringing, "Hello?"  I answered without checking the ID.

"Hey, where are you?" His voice rasped calmly through the phone.

"Why did you call?"

"I'm worried about you. And I know you don't want to see me but please answer your phone next time." Zayn murmured, he thinks I didn't answer instantly because of him.

The reason why I don't want to spend time with him was because he tends to get flirty with my cousin.

"I'm at work, I don't feel nauseous, just checked my blood pressure, it was fine."

"I meant it as I said it...I'm worried about you, Olivia. You okay?" He probed.

I think he means my mental state.

"Is there something else you have to tell me or not? My five minute break is almost over." I dodge his question, he sighed.

What can I do? If I'd actually answer honestly, it would make him angry.

"Why did you call Zayn?" I asked again.

"To check on you...wait a second." He tells me, I heard him talk to someone for a bit, "Your mum said your family will have dinner, she wants to know if you had any appointments today or anything else planned?"

"No, I'll be there." I answered.



But he doesn't end whatever he wanted to say.

As if the silence between us and our calm breathing wasn't unbearable enough, I hear the laughter of my dear cousin in the back round.

I had enough of this, "Couldn't you find a quiet spot, like my room to talk with me? Why is she near you?" I could feel the steam blowing out of my ears from anger while my eyebrows furrowed deeply.

"I don't understand why you're even jealous? You released my hand, now I can hold onto whichever I want to." He coldly retorted and my breath hitched at his abrupt comeback.

Blinking rapidly so I don't do something stupid like cry, I swallowed the clog I felt on my throat down, "Can you tell me why you're still there?" I grit through my teeth, tapping my foot impatiently on the cemented floor because of how he hasn't gotten rid of trying to get a rinse out of my jealousy.

And I didn't have much time since today was a busy day in the hospital.

"Your mum's stressed, I can't leave her alone. I don't have anything to do today either." He responds nonchalantly.

Why does it make my heart flutter that he cares for my mum so much?

Maybe it shows that Zayn isn't as selfish as I had initially thought.

"When does your shift end?" He rasped then.

"Around three, why?"

"That's in twenty minutes." He distractedly said, like he's checking his watch, "Wait for me, I'm picking you up."

Before I could protest he had hung up.

But I didn't want to see him yet. Not after what happened in the morning.

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