Chapter fifty-one

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Song for the chapter: One Direction - Right now

*a.n/ Thank Zayn's latest photoshoot for this chapter, lol. I really was not into the writing mood, still not quite, this took so much time to make, so please comment extra on this chapter since it's a long one, and thank you for still reading.

Zayn's POV

Liv just left to take her pills, not only does she forget taking them, she tries to purposely find excuses not to take 'em since she says they're making her feel drowsy. The only downside of this was she left me in this awkward silence with her dad, whom wouldn't stop glowering at me. Ask me if I fuckíng care?

"Did you went to see Claire?" I questioned out of the blue. But I was intrigued to know.

I shouldn't have asked for other than silence and Liv returning as fast as possible, because now the heavens make me want to swallow my words and thoughts back.

"You really asked her after I fuckíng told you not to?" He grits through his teeth, his jaw clenching. He doesn't beat around the bush. "You forgot where this takes you?"

Frowning at his idiotic expression, "I never agreed to anything, much less listen to you."

If he thinks I'll feel guilty for seeking for my happiness and Liv's, then he's fuckíng wrong.

"Tell me that when it will be too fuckíng late to get out. If it weren't for me, you'd be done for a long time ago, boy. I was willing to get you out of this all if you'd just continued with remaining like you were with her, no groundbreaking commitment." He grumbled, I see why he was so keen on me doing that. It would tear Liv and I apart since she'd be awaiting sooner or later for me to keep my promise on making her my wife. I always wanted to... But if I'd wanted a normal life I would've listened to him. Yet I couldn't and I made an evil plan of his shatter. "Once Liv sees that I'm right on how you won't be able to solve anything, she'll divorce you, why make her suffer? She's blind to the truth; your future isn't tied with hers. She deserves more out of her life, don't you understand?" He lectured me, "I was willing to give you a helping hand, but now you've sentenced yourself." He continued, "I shouldn't have trusted you, in the end you're a fuckíng criminal. That won't ever change, it's in your blood." His words display how much he really loathed me for having the ballś to ask Liv be my wife and that she agreed.

Once my hands curled, I stood up, wanting to leave.

He jolted my shoulder though, just waiting for me to fight, I wouldn't. He's probably like this because of Claire. "If you leave her, she'll cry, be sad but that will fade with time. She's too young to think she's found her true love, she just doesn't know that yet." My head tilted down as I stare at him with disdain, features in a glare. "You should know."

Don't give into his tactics. Fuckíng don't.

He shook me slightly again, pursing his lips and squinting his eyes at me when I don't give in. He makes me stumble back, "She'll find someone who'll give her everything you won't, and that's what matters in the long run. Even the baby will have a role model you never can be." My shoulders were tense, soon my whole body is rigid, he should really bite his tongue now, and stop fuckíng touch me, I won't be excusing or held responsible of what I will do. "Think about it. If you love her, really love her, you'd understand what I'm saying. What would the two have from you?" He spitefully ends with a shove onto my upper chest.

It took that little...

Snapping into action, I take aim to punch him straight in the face, I could discern him cursing and falling on the couch, where I don't let him recover, throwing punch after punch, not even taking a breath in between. He hadn't expected that.

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