Chapter fifty-seven

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Olivia's POV

I knew something wasn't right the second Zayn wasn't answering his phone.

So I get back home as fast as I could the second it had been eight a.m. since then it's always time for mum to leave for work.

When I twist the key in the hole, I swiftly controlled everywhere I could.

He's no where, I call him again, then Louis and so on.

As I'm already here to find nothing, I go visit Harry, to see how he's doing.

He blinked quickly, getting rid of his sleep when he heard the creak of the door.

He looked displeased to see me.

"How are you?" I asked quietly, he rolled his eyes.

Luckily I see the remnants of food, so he at least had eaten.

The basement wasn't bad, I would probably have a heart attack if I'd ever consider to spend the night here but Harry would survive this.

His head is lowered and he just keeps quiet.

I couldn't see him any longer like this, sulking and blaming himself for stuff he didn't do.

Without further thinking, I went to un cuff his hands, he peered at me incredulously.

"What are you doing?"

"You should go home." Where ever that was.

He stood up, scoffing and then strides with big steps to me, "Why do you trust me? Remember what Zayn told you. I'm the plant." He slowly said in his deep voice. He's sporting a man bun as ever, tired rings under his eyes.

"You aren't..." I retort, sounding determined, he moved closer and I subconsciously put my hands protectively on my bump.

"How can you be so sure?" He again asked, he's now standing tall before me, I had to look up at him, he's way taller than my Zayn.

"You had plenty chances to hurt me."

"I want you to look me in the eye and tell me if I would ever do anything to you..." Harry said so lowly with his slow voice. His head moved closer, he even glanced down to my lips for a second.


I shook my head; no, answering him.

Then he moved away, "Shouldn't you be worried about Zayn?" He cleared his throat.

I was still trying to get out of that shock I was in, relaxing slightly.

"He didn't even answer your calls, or maybe...?" He taunts.

So that means Zayn did this on purpose and left. But where?

I squint my eyes at him, "You know where he is and why he left..." I conclude, he must've heard them or Louis told him, which I praised him for mentally. He avoids my eyes and I finally know why, "Look at me, Harry." I prod, he slowly does, "You will tell me."

He did.

And by the end I was heartbroken and sad.

Zayn just set me up to not get to follow him.

But I am supposed to be there. I have the warning they sent to me. If I don't show up, something bad will happen.

Zayn just bursted the bubble I was in. I thought we could forget about everything else but us. I'm getting into hysterics again.

"You will get me there."

"What? Hell no. I'll be as good as dead." He backtracks now.

"I wasn't asking, Harry." I was also quite unfair for doing this to Harry. He thinned his lips to a line. He always disliked me saying his name, and I knew why only now, although it's unbelievable. And not quite right from me to use it against him.

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