Chapter nineteen

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Songs for the chapter: Zayn Malik - Pillow Talk

Selena Gomez - Hands to myself

*The pic is how I imagine her hair strands lol,finally found a pic but Liv has her curly hair back since she's not straightening it anymore.

Zayn's POV

Getting to Liv's house wasn't tricky, there was no traffic, and I couldn't wait to see her, assure myself it really only had been a dream.

But one could understand my utter annoyance and surprise when I saw her house surrounded by the petty police cars and a bunch of cops trailing around her house.

What the fūck? What's going on?

Has something happened to her?

I couldn't get inside her house like this, my asš would get caught in no time if I parade around.

But leaving wasn't an option.

I quickly dial Harry.

"Do you know what time it is?" he mutters, then cursed.

My hand is still on the steering wheel, drumming my fingers on it, since I hadn't gotten out of the SUV yet, "I didn't call to be your clock. Now listen," I dryly say, looking to the side when in the house, I was parked near its pavement, someone had turn a light in. I had to check no random onlooker sees me or I'll have to get violent. Harry, to his bad luck, has no fuckïng choice but to do what I say, I explain in few details why I called, "I need you to be a distraction. You can take Niall with you," I informed, "But be careful, if you get caught; your ašs will be sitting in that jail cell since I won't be arsed to get you out if you're that stupid." I end, before he can say anything I hung up.

Now I have to wait.

I hope she's okay...and happy.


I get the signal text from Harry that he's doing better than good, so I had approximately four to five minutes until the dumbasses of cops know that they've done a mistake to leave the house unguarded.

Sprinting to her house, I get there in time since my car had been parked next to her neighbor just to arrive faster. I can't knock anywhere because I'm sure her parents are there, something was odd which I'll find out what only of I'll talk to her, so the best way is to get through her window.

I'm climbing the ladder, somehow mastering to get up there in one piece.

I survey the area for a while, too nervous to get in her room yet, the roof I'm standing at is not that high though, so I can't stay there for long. Silent steps I take whilst I inch the window, then take a deep breath.

Twisting my upper body around, leaning over so I can peek at her room, grabbing the grey edges of the window, one of my feet is on the not so stable hinge just under the window where the beginning of the first floor's roof is, I need to be careful before I slip and land just on the feet of those pesky cops. Once I get a clear view, I think she's curled in a cover, facing the opposite way of me.

Surprisingly the window is open, so I carefully and slowly push it. It doesn't creak as I fully got inside and she has yet to notice me. Her room is just like her, neat but edgy and clean, faint pink and violet walls, the ceiling has clouds painted on it...

"Liv?" I softly say, she instantly shuffled under the cover, then reveals herself, her knee remains bent on the bed as she's standing on the other.

She's in a white tank top and light blue shorts, her pink lips are parted in disbelief, eyes bulging a bit. But what kılls me is her azure eyes that seems glossy since it looks like she has been crying, by the red water lines of her eyes I can assume it's recent but not just now.

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