Ch.1||The Secret Admirer||

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Hoi, guys! Welcome to my first Travlyn book! And no, the title is not a My Little Pony reference!!! By the way, Tsun~Tsun means Tsundere and Tsundere means someone who is normally mean and hostile on the outside but sweet on the inside. Just a little fact. And also this book may seem boring in the beginning (i suck at starting books) but I swear it will get better! 😝 Now sit back and enjoy!



•°•Katelyn's POV•°•

I hate this school. I hate the people, the classes, I even hate this town! It's too filled with memories I'd rather forget. I go to school every day, do absolutely nothing, then go home. I wonder if anything will ever change. Will that day ever come? (Clannad reference! 😜)

This may sound crazy, but life is pointless. For me, at least. I have no friends, everyone hates me, and my life is completely boring. I just live in a crappy apartment in the middle of O'khasis city. My parents made me start living on my own because they thought I was responsible enough to. I'm a freshman, after all. But it is boring. As. Heck. Living on my own. I wish I at least had some friends! But no one likes me. That was because I was always quiet and ignored by everyone. But that's fine because I honestly don't like anyone. Especially the boys. If a guy flirts with me, I don't hesitate to beat the crap out of them.

Because I had nothing better to do, I decided to leave my apartment to go to the park and read or something.

When I left my apartment room, I looked to my left and noticed another person leave their room. He looked at me. It was my next door neighbor. Obviously. He had white hair and green eyes. He went to my school and was one of the popular guys. He would always flirt with girls and all that and he was annoying as hell. To me, at least. I hate boys like him. I glared and walked off.

When I got to the park, I sat under a cherry blossom tree and watched Steven Universe on my phone while drinking a smoothy. Don't judge. It's my favorite show for a reason. Lapis Lazuli is my spirit animal.

Anyway, right as my show was getting good, I got a text. Damn it. I opened my messages and read the text. It was from anonymous. Which meant someone I didn't know, by the way. Not the other kind of anonymous.

It read:

Hi! You don't know me, but I know you. I'm not a stalker by the way! Ahem, anyway. To get to the point, you make my heart race whenever I'm around you. And I get a warm feeling inside my chest. I guess you can say I'm in love with you. I know we've never talked and you probably don't like me, but I can change that. Once you find who I am, you probably will be disappointed. But that's okay! Because I'll show you who I really am. I'll give you some hints. I go to your school, I'm in your English class, and we live near by. Good luck, my future love!

~Your Secret Admirer

"Well, that was the cheesiest thing I've ever read."

What the heck? Me? Admired? Why?

How can someone like me have an admirer? No on likes me! Who exactly is this guy?

Well, I should really start to look for who this guy is. He goes to my school...he's in my English class...and lives near by...hmmm

There are lots of guys in my English class. Most of them are popular guys and like to flirt with me. But he said I've never talked to him....I hardly talk to anyone. But it can't be one of those guys that have flirted with me before...who else is in my English class? There actually are quite a lot of boys in that class who have never spoken to me...*sigh* how can I find out who it is? A lot of guys from my school live in my apartment and a few go to my English class...

Ugh, all this thinking is giving me a headache. I should really just finish my episode of Steven Universe and go home to think about this.

When I got back to my apartment, I lied down on my bed and thought about the secret admirer.

To be honest, what's the point in finding who this secret admirer is? I mean, he said I'm probably gonna be disappointed. And I don't fall for guys... I've never been in love before and I've never been friends with a guy. So, why should I care about this admirer? It's probably just another flirt...

Well, I should just find them anyway. Who knows what could happen? I have nothing better to do anyway.

I decided to text them back and ask for another hint.

(K is Katelyn, ? Is admirer)

K- Hey, creep. Can I have another hint at least?

?- Okay, fine. Another hint is...we went to the same middle school. who is in my English class, lives near by, and went to my middle school?

Ugh, this hurts my brain! I should really just get some sleep.

Wow, what a boring chapter! It gets better! I swear, okay? Hope you enjoyed!

Okay, just a quick A/N. I am SO sorry for not updating on any of my stories for like the past month. I am thinking of ideas for Heartache right now and I already have a plan for Stay By My Side II. I just have been too lazy to write it. Same with A Hint Of Determination. Sorry for that! 😅 But for now, just enjoy My Little Tsun~Tsun. It will be updated everyone once in a while. I already have thirty other chapters of it but I'm taking my time right now.


⭐Word Count⭐: 1008

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