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Fuck. Something horrible happened in mystic messenger and I can't put how I feel into words...

(skip if u don't want spoils for Day ten in the Yoosung route kinda)

Fuck you, pink haired stalker guy! I see why that picture had Yoosung with bandages on his head

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Fuck you, pink haired stalker guy! I see why that picture had Yoosung with bandages on his head... AAHHH

But he look so happy

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But he look so happy...;—;

(This is future me! Haha. I know why he's winking now, pink haired guy hurt his eye and he's bind out of it now... :( )



•°•Travis's POV•°•

<Play song, it's called Will Be Forgetting This😉>

I woke up from Kawaii~Chan screaming.


"Uuuugggghh! Kawaii~Chan, why!?" Katelyn asked.

"Sorry, everyone! Kawaii~Chan couldn't sleep last night! She's just so excited about Disneyland and she really didn't want to skip any conversations with Yoosung~Senpai..." She confessed.

"Oh yeah, Disneyland! I have to get ready!" Katelyn yelled as she hopped out of bed to change into clothes.

I yawned and got out of bed. Why are hotel beds always so soft and squishy?

When everyone got ready for the day, we raced down stairs to eat breakfast from the hotel. After that, we ran outside and waited for the Disneyland shuttle to get here to take us to Downtown Disney! (Haha I know everything about Disneyland :3 I've gone so many times...) when it got here, we sprinted onto it and picked our seats. I sat with Katelyn and Laurance, Aphmau, and Kc sat together. Kc was just on her phone probably playing Mystic Messenger, like always.

"Gaaahhh! Travis, I'm so excited!!! I've always wanted to go to Disneyland! We need to buy Micky mouse ears and go on every single ride! This will be the best day ever!!!" Katelyn screamed.

"Haha, I know! What ride do we go on first? Or what land do we visit first?" I asked.

"Let's not go to Adventure Land first like Kitty always does in her other books. (Hey!) let's go to...Fantasyland and go to the teacups!" She said.

"Nope, can't do that because Kitty already did that in her Laurmau book." I said.

"What?" I heard Aphmau and Laurance ask.

"Lets worry about that when we get there! We still have to get through the security and pay for our tickets." Katelyn said.

"True, True. That'll be a pain but at least when we get through, we'll be in DIDNEY!" I screamed.

"Yeah!!" Katelyn yelled.

When we finally got off the shuttle when it stopped near the entrance, we ran, and I mean ran to the security to get into Disneyland as fast as possible.

"It's so beautiful here!!! Look, all the people are dressed up!" Katelyn said.

~Mini time skip of....does Jumin Han is gay? 😂~

Okay, we're in Disney now! That took forever since its so crowded. Aphmau was jumping around all happy since all her dreams were coming true.

"OKAY, WHAT FIRST!?" Aphmau screamed

"Hmm, I don't know, Aphmau~Senpai—" Kc began.

"TO THE CASTLE!" Aphmau Screamed as she ran off. We all followed.

We all ran down Main Street, completely ignoring everything around us. Aphmau just really wanted to look at the castle.

"CASTLE!" Aphmau screamed when we reached it. (The Android's castle emoji looks like the castle! 🏰)

"Whoa, it's beautiful!" Katelyn said.

"OH MY IRENE, IT'S ELSA!" Aphmau screamed.

"Uh, Aphie, that's a cosplayer—" Laueance began.

"IT'S ELSA!" She screamed as she ran up to the cosplayer.

"Let's leave her be..." Laurance said with a sigh.

"So! What now?" I asked.

"Hmm...lets get Aphie and walk around a bit" Laurance said.

"Sounds good!" We agreed.

I can't wait for our Disney adventure to begin!

Sorry for the tiny chapter. The next will for sure be longer. Hope you enjoyed!

I wish you understood my feelings for MM...its my second favorite fandom now... ;-;


⭐Word Count⭐: 675

•°•My Little Tsun~Tsun•°•  ♥Travlyn♥Where stories live. Discover now