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•°•Katelyn's POV•°•

At last, it was time to leave the island and go back home. Aw, but I'm not ready to go back! Well, we're not back yet. We have a few days on this cruise until we get back home.

When we get back to Phoenix Drop, I'm gonna decide to stop living in my highschool dorm and actually find a place to live. Travis was gonna do the same. We need to stop being lazy assess. We're almost adults, for crying out loud!

We all got on the cruise ship early that morning and Guy took us to our rooms.

"Okay, and this will be your room! A lovely room for a lovely couple!" He said as he showed us to our room. It was beautiful!

"Oh, thanks!" Travis said.

"Now, if you need anything, just holler! I'll be there in a flash! Literally!" He poofed away. (Steven Universe reference!)

"How does he do that!?" I asked

"No idea..." Travis said.

"Ooh! Travis~Kun and Katelyn~Sama are sharing a room again!" Kc cooed.

"Well, we always do, so it's nothing new." I said.


When everyone got settled into their rooms, one really did anything.

Travis lied back on the bed. "Ah," He sighed. "So what are we gonna do, blueberry?" He asked as he relaxed on the bed.

I yawned. "It's pretty early, so I wanna fall back asleep. I'm NOT a morning person." I said as I lied next to him.

"So we just gonna cuddle and all that~?" He asked with a wink.

"I'm not in a romantic mood. I'm tired." I said as I closed my eyes.

"C'mon, blueberry! It'll be nice. Just let meh kiss you and cuddle you and all that!" He complained.

"No, just...let me sleep..." I said quietly as I started to drift asleep.

"Aww, pleeeeaaaase!? Please, blueberry!? Please? Blueberry?" He complained.

<Play soundtrack, your welcome, Undertale fam>

"No! Stop talking." I yelled.

"B-But I need daily affection from you! I need smoochies and cuddles! Me without that is like the sky without stars!" He yelled.

I groaned and pecked his lips. "Happy?"

"No, I need more than that! Let's just make out and stuff! Maybe take it further, if ya know what I mean~!" He winked again.

I groaned and tried to punch him but he blocked my fist.

"Ha! Saw that coming!" He said.

I kicked him in the nuts with my knee. (In Garroth's voice: Savage!)

He groaned and clutched where I kicked.

"Okay...didn't see that coming!" He said in a high voice.

"Maybe later. Not now. G'night." I instantly fell asleep.

"Yay! ...ouch."

•°•Timeskip of Sans the f*cking badass skeleton•°•

I woke up later that day. But Travis wasn't in the bed with me. I yawned and got up. I didn't bother brushing my hair again. Sometimes I like it messy.

I walked up to the deck and saw everyone there. Aphmau and Zane were eating at the desert buffet, Laurance and Aaron were tanning, and it looked like Nicole was trying to teach Travis to play volley ball. The others were watching.

"Okay, so one way to serve is to hold the ball out like this, and then hit it from underneath to the other side, or throw it in the air and hit it. Both ways work." She explained. I walked over to them to watch.

"Okay, so...I throw it in the air and..." He threw the ball high in the air and smacked it on the ground and it rolled over to Nicole.

"Uhh, no. Not like that. Why do you wanna learn anyway?" Nicole asked

"Because I wanna play against Katelyn! And win!" He said.

"Ha, that's gonna be hard. Katelyn's, like, the queen of volley ball. I've seen her." Nicole said with a grin.

"I know! That's why I wanna beat her!" Travis said.

"Ha, in your dreams, dork!" I said as I walked over.

"Oh, heeeeey, Katelyn~!" Travis said.

"Hi, Kate! Sleep well?" Nicole asked

"Yeah, I did. But now I'm here to show Travis how your supposed to play volley ball." I said with a grin. Nicole handed me the ball.

"Haha, kick his ass!" Nicole said to me.

I stood on the other side of the net and smirked at Travis.

"Ha, you're so short. I bet you can't even get it over the net—"

I hit the ball over the net at full speed and it hit Travis in the face. He collapsed to the ground. I wanted to feel sorry, but I couldn't help but laugh.

"Savage!" Garroth said.

"Hey, you almost broke your boyfriend's face, and now your laughing?" Nicole asked.

"Ha, sorry, it was just funny." I said.

I walked over to Travis. He groaned with pain.

"Uh, sorry about that." I said as I sat in front of him. He sat up.

"I'll get you next time!" He said in a raspy voice.

"Heh, I like the determination." I said.

"Hey, can I get my daily affection now?" He asked with a cute grin.

I smiled. "Only to make up for what I did earlier and just now."

I put my arms around his neck and kissed him softly for like five seconds.

"Okay, now I'll teach you how to play."

Dirty mind, oh Irene.

Sorry I had to bring that up, I looooove Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z now...omg I love it when Aphmau and the VAs make a reference. OMG when they were talking about that one Dragon Ball Z YTP in the MyStreet heaven live stream, I died because I've seen it 😂 But I will NOT include it below because you guys will judge us for liking such horror...

Okay byyyeee!


⭐Word Count⭐: 964

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