Ch.13||Broken Promises||

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Guys... Don't hate me after this chapter. Plz. If u rage quit, just know that you will miss out on lots of amazing chapters in the future 💙💚😁

•°•Katelyn's POV•°•

I've thought about it for a while now. I should give Travis a chance. I know, I use to completely dislike him but now I actually am in love with in Irene's name can hate turn to love!? I don't know, but It apparently happened.

After I fed Angel, I left the apartment to get to school. I saw Travis already there so I ran up to him to say hi.

"Hi, Travis." I said.

"Oh, hey Katelyn." He said in a non enthusiastic voice. A concerned look came across my face.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"Hmm..." I said. "Normally
you would say something like 'heeey Katelyn' or 'you have a nice butt today' or something." I said in a guy-like voice.

"Heh, I guess I'm just not in that kind of mood? Heheh..." He said while looking away. I saw sweat on his forehead.

I glared and said "Hmmmm. You're not yourself today."

"What? Pfft, I'm fine. C'mon, lets just...get to class early because the bell will ring any second now!" The bell rang. "See? Let's go!"

I could tell he was putting on a fake smile. Something was up with him and I was gonna find out what.


The entire day Travis wasn't acting like himself. I didn't know why though. He never even flirted with me once! NOT EVEN ONCE! Something was going through his head. I really hope it isn't something bad. Or even worse, something that would ruin our friendship.

At lunch, he just sat there looking at the table and he looked sad. Really sad. For the first time ever. At that moment, I really wanted to read his thoughts and see what was going on through his head. It was starting to worry me... And it hurts me to see Travis this way. He's seen me sad but I've never seen him sad. At least not this sad.

When the last bell rang, I told Travis I had to tell him something. He said he also had to tell me something. Knew it.

We went behind the school where no one was at and we stood quiet waiting for the other to say something.

"Um, you first." I said.

"No, please, you first." He said.

"Y-You first. I wanna know what's up." I said. He sighed.

<You may wanna play soundtrack above for extra feels T^T>

"Okay." He paused. "Um...Katelyn, before I say this, just know that I love you and never meant for this to happen."

"W-What happened?" I asked.

"Nothing bad, probably aren't going to like what I'm about to say..." He looked at the ground.


What happened? Is he dating another girl!? Is he dying!?

Okay, calm down. He said it's nothing that bad. But he also said I wouldn't like it...

Oh Irene, I hope it's nothing too bad.

"I...." He said.


"I'm...I'm moving to Phoenix Drop this Thursday because it's my hometown and my parents are forcing me to move back there..." He said. "And I can't do anything about it."

I stare at the ground with blank eyes

Travis is...

Travis is moving away from me...


"Katelyn, I'm sorry."

"T-Travis..." I began. Tears started to roll down my face. "Travis, you said you'd never leave me..." I tried to wipe away the tears.

He took a step closer to me. "Katelyn, w-we can still call each other! And we can Skype and all that...we just will be in different areas..."

"B-But...I'll be all alone again. And things wont be the same anymore. You wont be there to comfort me or play video games with me...or cuddle me or kiss me or..." I began to sob. Travis hugged me tight. I hugged back.

"I'm not gone yet. We can still do the things we normally do until Thursday." He said.

It began to rain.

", there has to be a way to stop this. You have to stay here!" I said.

"I'm sorry but there's no other way..." He said. "W-What did you want to say?"

"N-Nothing. There's no point anymore..."

"O-Okay..." He said.

"Travis, most friends that move away from each other don't keep in touch. What if we're like that? I can't forget you." I sobbed.

"Katelyn, I'll make sure we'll keep in touch. It'll be fine, okay?"

"I-I hope so." I said. "Hey, Travis?"


"I lo- never mind, what's the point."

"If you have something you need to tell me then say it."

"No, it's okay. It's not a big deal." I said.

"If you say so."

When I went home, I collapsed onto my bed and teared up again.

This isn't fare! My life was finally getting good for once! And I was gonna actually give Travis a chance!

I shouldn't be so sad though. I mean, we'll still be able to talk online and stuff but...I just wont be the same anymore. And i'd go back to being the school loner.

I wish I could just tell Travis of my feelings for him but I'm just to nervous to and he's leaving in two days so...

I just don't know what to do right now. I honestly just wanna scream and punch something. I could, but then people would think I'm being murdered or something.

But anyway, as I was saying before, to tell the truth, I love Travis and I don't want him to be taken away from me. We've only been friends for so long and I feel like we haven't spent enough time together. If only I knew he would be leaving sooner.

Angel jumped up on the bed and curled up next to me. I sighed and I eventually fell asleep.

⭐Word Count⭐: 1009

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