Ch.55||Water Park!||

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•°•Katelyn's POV•°

The door flung open, waking me and Travis.

"GUESS WHERE WE'RE GOIN' TODAY!?" Kc screamed. I yawned.


"That water park! Dun dun duuun!" She said.

"Cool, just five more minutes!" Travis said as he pulled me closer.

"Travis! Get off me!" I yelled.

"Aww so Kawaii! Well, we're going to leave soon so get ready!" She left and closed the door.

I squeezed out of Travis's arms to get ready. When I came out of the bathroom, Travis was still asleep. I groaned and grabbed my pillow and held it above him. Then I smacked his face with it.

"AHH! WHAT THE HECK!?" He screamed. I laughed.

"Wake up, Romeo! We're leaving soon!" I said.

"Ugh, fiiiiine!" He said lazily. I smacked him with the pillow again for fun.


When we got ready for the water park, everyone else seemed ready too. We gathered our stuff and headed towards the water park.

"Eee! I'm so excited!" Aphmau squealed. "What do we do first?"

"Let's start with the simpler slides. Then at the end, let's go on that one huge slide that goes into the ocean!" Travis said.

"Yaaasss!" Aphmau said.

"Yeah, seems fun!" I said.

"....But first let's eat." Travis said. His stomach growled.

"Agreed." Kc said.

We went to a nearby restaurant in the water park to eat breakfast. Travis just focused on eating millions of tacos so...I couldn't really talk to him. So I just eavesdropped on Laurance and Aphmau.

"OH MAH IRENE, LOOK AT THAT CUTE BABY OVER THERE! IT HAS A LITTLE FLOATY! AWWW!!!" Aphmau screamed as she looked at a baby.

"Y-Yeah, cute-"

"*GASP* LOOK AT THAT OTHER BABY OVER THERE! AWW, IT'S CRYING! WORRY NOT, BABY! I CAN FIX YOU!" Aphmau stood up and ran over to the crying baby.

"Aph, wait!" Laurance yelled as he ran after her. I tried not to laugh.

"Zane~Kuuun!" Kc complained to Zane. I looked over at them.

"Stop trying to feed me!" Zane said.

"But the waffles are soooo yummy! Try them, Zane~Kun!" Kc said.


I chuckled. They're such a cute couple...

When we were finished eating, we went off to the water slides

We first went on this one small slide. We were gonna work our way up to the bigger slides. I know that the sign said that you can't be pregnant but I'm only a little over a month pregnant so I'm probably fine, right? I don't even have a baby bump yet!

We went on a bunch of slides and did all those water park things and it was a blast! But I started feeling sick so me and Travis took a break while the others went on more slides.

I ended up puking in a bathroom stall. Dang it...

"It was probably a bad idea to come here while you were pregnant." Travis said as I walked out of the bathroom. "You okay, blueberry?"

I groaned. "Yeah, I'm fine. I guess I'll just have to sit and watch you guys go on slides..." I looked down.

"Don't worry, hun. I'll stay with you." He said.

"No, go have some fun! I'll be fine." I said.

"I've already had my fun here. Plus, I've kinda had enough. So I'll just hang out with you for a bit." He said

"If that's the case, then fine." I said.

"Hey, wanna go by the baby pool and look at all the cute babies!?" Travis asked.

"Why?" I asked with a giggle.

"I don't know. I just like babies. Plus, I wanna keep an eye on parents with their babies to see how they take care of them. Because, you know." He said.

"Oh yeah, true."

So we walked over to the baby park and sat on a bench to watch all the cute babies. Some babies went down the slide, some were crying, some were just cooing at each other. All sorts of things! I wonder what my baby will be like...

"So when are you gonna go back to the hospital to find out the baby's gender?" Travis asked.

"I think they said in a month. So in about a week! I'm excited!" I said.

"I am too! And then we can come up with a name for it." He said.

"Oh yeah! I forgot about names." I said.

"Heh, yeah. We'll have to come up with the perfect one."

"Hey, remember Angel?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah! Our little kitty baby~!" Travis said with a high pitched voice. I giggled.

"I hope the cat-sitter-lady-person is taking good care of her." I said.

"Yeah, me too."

"Wouldn't that be cute if she found a mate and then we'd have kittens?"

"Aww! That would be so cute! And we'd have to name them all!"

"...But we'll probably have to sell them. Because I don't wanna be known as a crazy cat lady. Plus, we never know if the baby is allergic."

"Yeah, that would be too bad...."

Suddenly, everyone else ran over to us.


"Yeah, you guys missed out!" Garroth said.

"What happened?" Travis asked.

"First of all, ZANE~CHAN! THAT'S ALL I HAVE TO SAY! MWUAHAHAHA" Aphmau yelled. She fangirled.

"Wat?" I asked.

"So basically Kawaii~Chan was scared to go down slide and screamed all the way down but then Zane caught her at the bottom and he spun her around  and they kissed and IT WAS THE CUTEST FREAKING THING EVER HEHEHEHEHEHE!" Aphmau shouted.

Zane and Kc were blushing.

"D'AWWWWW!" Travis said.

"I ship it. " I said.

"Heheheh," Kc laughed awkwardly. "Let's just um, talk about other things that happened!"

"Oh yeah! Also, I— *gasp* OH MA GAWD BABIES!!! EEEEEK!" Aphmau screamed as she ran into the baby pool to play with the babies. "THEY'RE SO SQUISHY AND CUUUUTE!"


I wonder how she'll react when she finds out I'm pregnant.


I can't wait for dat baby to be born!

⭐Word Count⭐: 1008

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