Ch.34||The Savior||

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•°•Katelyn's POV•°•


I picked up the gun shakily and held it against the side of my head, ready to shoot.

Goodbye, friends


Goodbye, school

"Please, come out!"

Goodbye, Travis

"K-Katelyn...? KATELYN!"

G o o d b y e


<Play soundtrack>

He ran. He ran like lightning and right before I could pull the trigger, the gun was yanked out of my hand. I fell forward as tears fell onto the stone ground.


I couldn't answer.

I didn't know what to say

My body was frozen

I couldn't breath or do anything

He dropped the gun and threw his arms around me.

"Katelyn, calm down! Tell me whats wrong! Breath!" Travis said in a stressed out voice as he began to cry.

I didn't hug back

"I-I-Is it true?" I asked.

"What? Is what true?" He asked

"The o-other girls you dated...did you l-leave them!? A-Are you just manipulating me!? What are you!?" I screamed.

"W-What are you talking about!?" He yelled.


"Katelyn, whatever information you were told, was NOT true. You KNOW Lucinda. She's a bully and all she wants is to date me. She wants you to believe whatever she told you so you can leave me and so she can have a chance with me. Do you understand?" He asked.

"I want to believe you..." I began. "But...I can't...i cant tell if you're manipulating me or not!" I screamed.

"Katelyn, I'm not! Why would I be manipulating you?" He asked.

" just wanna use me! S-So you can just get in bed with me and-" I began.

"Katelyn, I'm not like that! I may seem like that kind of person at times but that's not who I am. You've seen me for who I really am. Remember that time when you had a nightmare and I comforted you? Do you remember what I said? 'I'm right here! It's okay. I still love you and you're still mine. You always will be. Don't worry. I do love you Katelyn. I always will. I will never leave you. Please believe me..." He said.

"I...I'm an idiot...." I said.

I pulled away and covered my eyes with my hands.

"What!? No you aren't-"

"Yes I am! I fell for Lucinda's flattery...and I even almost committed suicide...I'm so sorry..." I said. He hugged me again.

"It's okay, it's okay." He said. I hugged back and sobbed into his chest.

"L-Lucinda must had put a potion in my that would make me believe every word she said...or maybe one that would make me suicidal..." I said.

"Just calm down, it will be okay. Here, want me to make you feel better?" He asked. I nodded. "Will you go to prom with me?"

I calmed down and slightly smiled.

"Y-Yes. I-I'd love to go with you." I threw my arms around him and embraced him in a hug.

Next time I see Lucinda's face, I won't hesitate to give her a one way ticket go hell.

Dang. This got dark. Fast. Sorry XD I wanted to turn this into like how anime sometimes is. Ye. Cute and romantic at first but then it takes a turn. Like Clannad. But not like Clannad. I SWEAR THIS STORY WONT BE LIKE CLANNAD THAT WOULD BE TOO MUCH 😂😭

⭐Word Count⭐: 593

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