Ch.41||Happy Birthday!||

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Sorry for the delay on the chapter. I've been pretty sad and scared about Aphmau being in the hospital. Still am.

•°•Travis's POV•°•

We walked out of my room to inform the others about Katelyn's birthday. I kinda feel bad for not throwing a party for her of some kind.

We told them and they freaked out.


"I never knew!"

"Why didn't you tell anyone!?"

"Happy late birthday!"

Katelyn stayed home while everyone else went out to buy gifts and cake and stuff.

But then the thought hit me.

What the heck am I gonna get Katelyn!?

I don't know what she wants!

I could give her something romantic but then our cover will be blown.

I thought about things that Katelyn likes

She likes video games. And sports? Gah, but that isn't good enough.

What can I get for her that will really make her happy? I know! What's her favorite thing in the world?

Pfft, wait, I know! Me! But that's not gonna work.

Wait, I'm so stupid! I know what to get her!


"Soooo, Katelyn, what's your favorite video game?" I asked.

"Umm..." She thought for a bit. "I'm not sure. But when Nicole invited me over to her dorm to play Undertale, that was super cool! I really wanna play it for myself though but I don't have the game. It's only ten dollars off of steam. At least I think so. The price might of gone up a bit." She said.

"I see." I replied.

"It's crazy how popular that game is. Pretty much everyone I know is playing it. The characters are great, the story line is amazing. Or at least I've heard. That's why I really want it!"

"Well maybe a special someone will get it for you in the future~" I said.

"Really!? That would be awesome!" She said excitedly. I grinned.

"We'll just have to see~"


Okay, great! I'll just get Undertale for her on her laptop! And flowers ♥ Wait but then everyone else will be suspicious....oh well.

•°•Katelyn's POV•°•

"C'mon, Katelyn~Sama! Where the party hat! It's her birthday, right?" Kawaii~Chan told me as she forced me to wear a party hat.

"Ugh, fine! I'll wear it!" I said as I let her put it on me.

The cake was red velvet. My favorite kind of cake! And it was delicious! I ended up getting lots of gifts too. Travis even got me Undertale! I was so happy! I wanted to kiss him but all I did was hug him. But Kc took a picture. Oh well.

The rest of the day was just spent eating cake, using gifts, and watching movies! It was without a doubt, the best birthday ever.

At night, me and everyone else was exhausted from the big day. So I flopped down on the bed and yawned. Travis lied down next to me.

"Hey, Katelyn?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I looked at him with sleepy eyes.

"I have one more gift for you." He smirked and leaned in to kiss me passionately. I kissed back but ended up falling asleep mid-kiss.

Yeah. I lazily wrote this chapter and made it short. But next one will be longer! But I wont tell you anything about it like I always do :P


⭐Word Count⭐: 554

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