Ch.53||At Night||

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I found the first song while reading a Travlyn book. :O I fell in love and wanted to use it so yeah. It's called Nightfall from pixlemon.

•°•Katelyn's POV•°•

(Play first song)

I couldn't sleep that night. The memory of me most falling to my death from Travis flooded my mind. Travis was already asleep while holding me tight. I wanted to fall asleep in his arms but I couldn't.

I sighed and squeezed out of his arms and got up to go outside to be alone and think.

I went to a grassy area under a tree with a perfect view of the ocean. I sighed and stared up into the twinkling night sky. I leaned my head against the tree.

I wish that I could be an adult already. Then I could move in with Travis— well I technically already did— we could get married, and we could maybe have a kid. I mean, I know I'm already pregnant but...its different because we're only sophomores in high school. I'll have to find some kind of babysitter for it then, which sucks.

Huh, I wonder if it's a boy or a girl. Or what hair color it will have. Maybe light, light blue? I don't know. What will it's name be? I guess that'll be a mystery.

A good thing about me being pregnant is that I wont have my period for nine months! Yes! I don't have to deal with bloodstains or anything! Yay! Plus, people will also be nicer to me! Maybe Lucinda won't bully me—

*long gasp*

SHE IS GONNA BE PISSED! OH MY IRENE! I wonder what she's gonna do. Maybe I should drop out of school for a while or something.

Okay, I need to talk to Travis. I don't care if it's like 2 AM.

I texted him

K: Traaaaavis, wake up❤😉

He answered a few seconds later

T: bby, it's super early. What'cha want? Where r u? 😐

K: I'm outside. I left to think. I'm like by the ocean under a tree. I wanna talk.

T: Waaah, why can't we talk through text or phone? ¯\(°_o)/¯

K: This is serious, Travis. C'mon ❤

T: But I is tireddddddmfkfkdkkdkfkf

K: Did you fall asleep!? 😑

K: Travis!? 😩😬

T: Srry! fell asleep for a second! 😅

K: Get yo' butt over here 😒

T: Nu

K: Plz

T: Nu

K: Plz

T: Nu

K: 😬

K: Come on! 😩

T: I'm tired, blueberry! 😴

K: I will kiss you if you come over here 😘

T: You're gonna need to do more than a kiss, bby~ 😳😏

K: Fine

K: I will make out with you 😛 Just get over here

T: Mmmmmmm fine. I'm coming 😴😩😳

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