Ch.18||That Night||

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*sniff* why is the SAO soundtrack so good? ┐('д`)┌ And I've been watching it since last year and I'm not even done with it yet! Not even the first season! Anyway, enjoy!


•°•Katelyn's POV•°•

<play soundtrack>

Me and Travis went out to eat and then went to his apartment. Well, that was a lie. The school had dorms that the students lived in. We asked the person up front of I could be his roommate and she said yes. Yes! Another thing about the school dorms was how Travis was right, it was nice. But it was really cold.

"So, will you be sleeping in my bed with me~?" He asked with a smirk. I blushed.

"Idiot, I'm just gonna...sleep on the couch." I said.

"Are you sure? It's pretty cold out here at night." He said.

"Mmhm. I'll be fine." I said.

"Well, you know who to come to if you get cold~" I punched him in the arm. "Ow!"

"I'm getting ready for bed now."

I walked into the bathroom and took a hot shower. Then I did all those things you do before you go to bed and all that. I stepped out of the bathroom.

"That nightgown is very...revealing." Travis said as he blushed and checked me out. I sighed.

"Go to bed, perv." I said.

"Okay, fine. Good night, my love."


I lied down on the couch and snuggled up in the blankets. Travis was right again, it actually was really cold. But I'd rather be out here freezing to death than cuddling with Travis and being all warm and cozy...

That was a lie.

Why did I choose to sleep out here rather than in there with Travis? Aren't we dating now?

Well, I already made my decision by sleeping out here on the ice cold couch.

About an hour past. How in Irene's name am I not freezing to death!? It's winter and I'm only in a nightgown and it feels like I'm sleeping in a fridge!

That's it! I'm sleeping in Travis's room. I don't care anymore.

I stood up and walked over to Travis's room. I quietly opened the door.

"Um, Travis?" I asked. He yawned.


"You were right about it being cold as heck out there. So...can I maybe...sleep in here? With you?" I asked with a shade of pink on my cheeks.

"Of course you can, baby~" He said.

I walked over to the right side of the bed and lied down not facing him. He got closer to me and put his arms around me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Aren't we dating? I wanted to cuddle." He said. I sighed.

"Why are you sleeping in your clothes?" I asked.

"Because it's cold! Why else would I be wearing them?"

"Good point."

"Though, if you wanted to see me in my boxers, all you have to do is ask."

I turned to him and glared. Then I punched him.

"Oww! Why me!?" He complained.

"We may be dating but I'm not that kind of girl!" I shouted.

"Oh, well...can we at least make out~?" He asked with a smirk. I sighed.

"I- fine. Just...don't tell anyone about anything, remember?"

"Yeah, I get it." He said.

He put his arms around my waist and I grabbed his shoulders. Then we leaned in and made out. My grip of his shoulders tightened.

We pulled away about ten minutes later. Our faces were both pretty red.

"U-Um...we should get some rest. I'm pretty sure we have school tomorrow." I said while looking down.

"Agreed. Good night, babe." He said as I cuddled up next to him.


I dozed off in his arms.

🙌🙌🙌Yaaay Travlyn is sailing! Sorry if the last part was a bit much for some of you guys XD I'll try and keep this story cutsey and kid friendly but a little spice here and there 😏

That's a lie. This book is probably not for kids under ten years of age. Because there will be like suicide type

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

Also! There may or may not be Laurmau/Garmau/Aarmau in the next chapter...hehe. Haven't decided yet but Ima have one of those sail.



⭐Word Count⭐: 696

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