Ch.11||You Make Me Smile||

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The fanart above belongs to me! It looks a lot better in real life. My camera is just bad :P Enjoy!


•°•Katelyn's POV•°•

On Monday, I walked into the school a little earlier than usual. There was no sign of Travis so I just sat near the fountain and waited for school to start.

Suddenly, four girls walked over to me. The pink-haired one with blue eyes talked first.

"Well, isn't it the school loner." She said with a grin. A confused look came across my face.

"Sorry, but last time I checked, I wasn't a mirror." I said.

She frowned and her expression angered. "Listen, potato. Us four have noticed you hanging out with Travis a lot."

"Yeah, so?" I said.

"So, we just wanted to tell you to stay away from him. Or things will get ugly."

"Like your face." I chuckled. "But seriously, what do you mean? We aren't dating or anything."

"Oh, really? Well then why were you on a date with him. We saw you two at the movies." The orange haired one said.

That concerned me. Did they see me fall asleep on Travis's shoulder? Sweat appeared on my forehead.

"W-Well..." I said. "It's not what you think, I swear."

"Yeah, like we would believe you." The white haired one said.

"So you better start talking, nya~. Why were you at the movies with Travis?" The purple haired one asked.

I didn't want to tell them I was giving Travis a chance. Because then they would find that he liked me and the whole school would hate me even more. Travis too. I tried to think of an excuse.

"Uh, see..."

"Tell us or we'll embarrass you in front of the school." The orange haired one said.

"And by that you will..."

"Oh, you'll see, Firefist." The pink haired one said.


"So we recently found out that your mother passed away over the weekend." Pink said.

"And we also heard that you two were never very close. Probably because you were only a mistake! And your mom probably killed herself because she wanted to forget all about you." Orange said.

It pissed me off how these girls were talking about my mom. I wanted to cry but I didn't. I growled.

"My mother was a very kind person who loved me very much! And she never chose to die!" I screamed. People started looking at us.

"If she loved you so much then why would she leave you?" White said.

"I said she never chose to die!" I stood up.

"She was probably unattractive and unliked just like you. I mean, blue hair? It looks weird. Also, no one likes you. Everyone is afraid of you! You will never find a lover and you will spend the rest of your life depressed and alone!" Orange said.

"No one would care if you died, nya~. So you should just join your mom in hell! Everyone would be better off without you! Even your dad and Travis! No one likes you and no one will, nya~!" Purple said.

I began to tear up.

"You are so lucky there are teachers around. If there weren't, you would all be ripped to shreds." I threatened.

"Aww, is the little tsun~tsun angry? Aw, look she's gonna cry!" Pink said. I groaned.

"Just go and kill yourself already. Nobody likes you and no one ever will!" Orange said.

"Oh, and if you do get a lover, then they are sure to leave you. Just like your mother did!" White said.


"Go on, cry! Sob! No one will comfort you!" Pink said.

I tried as hard as I could to hold back the tears but I couldn't. I pushed them all out of the way and ran into the school to find someplace to cry without anyone seeing me.

The old music room would be good enough. No one uses it anymore. I opened the door and snuck inside and sat against the wall with my knees covering my face.

•°•Travis's POV•°•

As soon as I got to school, I noticed a crowd. I looked above everyone and tried to see what was going on. It was Katelyn and the popular girls were surrounding her. What happened?

A few seconds later, she ran off in tears. I quickly squeezed through the crowd and chased after her.

"Katelyn!" I shouted but she didn't turn around. I continued to chase her.

Soon she ran into a room and closed the door. The old music room. I could hear her sobbing from the outside. I opened the door.

"K-Kate-" I began.

"Pl-Please, leave me alone."

I didn't listen. Instead, I walked in and locked the door. I walked over to her and sat in front of her.

"Katelyn?" I asked.

"I-I told you to leave me alone, Travis." She said while crying.

"Katelyn, I care about you and I want to comfort you when your sad. What happened? I just got here." I asked.

"Th-Those girls joked about my mom being dead and they said I'll be lonely forever and...what if they're right? I don't want to be alone forever." She sobbed.

"Hey, you're not alone. We have each other, remember?" I said with a smile.

"Yeah, but eventually you'll probably find a wife and start a family while I just sit and be depressed forever without anyone to spend life with..."

I looked down at the ground.

"Katelyn, that wont happen. You know why? Because you're the only girl I love and I will never love anyone else." She looked up at me and I got closer to her.

" wont leave me?" She asked with tears forming in her eyes. I smiled.


I leaned in expecting a kiss but she blocked my mouth with her foot. She giggled.

"Just friends, remember?" She asked.

"I know..." I sighed.

"Hey, thanks for being there for me." She jumped up and hugged me. I smiled and hugged back.

"Hey, Katelyn?" I asked.


I hugged her harder. "I love you. I know you don't love me but I want you to know that. You mean a lot to me. You're my everything." I said.

She smiled and surprisingly kissed my cheek.

"Well I'm not going anywhere."

⭐Word Count⭐: 1059

•°•My Little Tsun~Tsun•°•  ♥Travlyn♥Where stories live. Discover now