Ch.61||Back Home||

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•°•Katelyn's POV•°•

We had finally gotten back home to Phoenix Drop! Finally! Gosh, that took a million years. But now we have to go to school in about a week. Craaaap! Why!?

Anyway, I decided that I should probably find a place to stay because I honestly am pretty much living in my school dorm. I want my own place with my own TV and my own pool, that would be so neat! But I need lots of money first.

"Why are you so quiet, blueberry?" Travis asked me as we rode in a taxi to get back home. The others went out to eat but me and Travis basically ate all the food on the cruise before we got home like pigs so we decided to go back home, kinda.

"Hmm? Oh, just thinking about where I should live, rather than my school dorm." I said.

"I'm still living back at my parent's place. You're welcomed to stay there if you want. I mean, temporarily." He said.

"Really? That would be greatly appreciated." I said. He smiled. But then I thought of something. "Hey, umm...why did your parents want you to move here?"

His expression changed from happy to depressed. He looked down.

"Well," He sighed. "I guess I could tell, basically. My uncle on my mom's side was recently hit by a car and died from a severe concussion and it messed her up so she basically wanted me to live back home so she can be protective of me and make sure that doesn't happen to me...she actually calls me and texts me everyday to make sure I'm okay. So yeah..." He said.

"Oh, I see..." I said sadly. "Sorry about that..."

When we got back to our dorm, we just watched TV until the cat-sitter-lady-person got here to return my cat.

When the doorbell rang, I answered it and she was there.

"Oh, hi!" I greeted.

"Hello, dear! I have come to return your cat after watching her all summer." She said.

"How was she?" I asked.

"I have her right here in this pet cage thing because the author doesn't know what those things are called because she is dumb and has no pets."

"Oh, great!"

But there was more than one meow coming from it.

"Um, is there more than one cat in there?"

"Oh! Um, well you see, dear..." She unlocked the door to the cage thing and there were like nine kittens! Our mouths were wide

"What!?" We asked

"I have no idea who the father is or how this happened but I discovered that your cat was pregnant over the summer. And she had nine baby kittens!" She said.

"Wow..." I said.

"We have to keep all of them!?" Travis asked

"Oh no, of course not. I can keep them! I already have hundreds of cats at home!"


"Wait, really!?"

"Yes, really! I'll keep em' all." She said

"Well, thanks a lot! That would mean a lot to us!"

"No problem! If you want, you can keep any of them if you like."

"Hmm...yeah, I'll take one of the kittens."

I examined all the kittens. All of them looked the same except one of them had one green eye and one blue eye.

•°•My Little Tsun~Tsun•°•  ♥Travlyn♥Where stories live. Discover now