1 - The Fluffy New Girl

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Hey guys. This story is inspired from EXO's wolf and growl drama MV. I have added the videos on the side. It's a requirement that you need to watch it to understand the story..

Warning: this story is more Fluff compared to action. It is inspired by the MV, some books and the pacing is inspired by anime's especially Kimi Ni Todoke so except large amounts of fillers (RANDOM FILLERS) so if your not that type feel free to skip. :) 

With that said this is my first ever fan fic and story. So forgive this human is she makes mistakes.

I DO NOT OWN EXO (i wish.. even just baozi Oppa..^^) The story line after the MV is all mine though and so are the Original Characters. Please don't steal. it's not  nice and it ILLEGAL. 

Thank you! 

Hope you enjoy reading! Comment and Vote if you do.. I don't bite..:) 

<3 <3 <3


"EXO? Who names their group name EXO?" I murmured as I gazed at a huge poster of 12 men that have far more better skin then me. Their charming smiles enticing me to come and enjoy Lotte World.

Lotte World? That sounds like an amusement park.

I love amusement parks even though I haven't been to one for ages.  I might go there but not because those exo dudes said so. Well I admit they are good looking men especially the one in the middle and the one on the far left but then again they're Kpop Stars they're supposed to look handsome.

I sighed and looked away from the poster. My eyes adjusted to the bright lights of Incheon Airport scanning for the familiar face of my brother who is supposed to fetch me here.  Another ingrained instinct was also looking for those men in black suits, which is a bit hard since most men here are wearing suits of the said color.

"Fluffy!!" The familiar voice calling me by my irritating nickname called out.

I sighed again; pushed up my glasses on the bridge of my nose and pulled my hat further on my head hiding my brown- my brother likes to call it caramel- hair from the slight breeze.

"Hello Nii-chan. Please stop calling me Fluffy." I said as his arms engulfed me in a bear hug. His towering frame making it easy for him to do so.

"I missed you!" He sang, letting me go and grinning at me.

"I missed you too but please stop ruffling my hair! Nii-Chan!!" I said in exasperation as he took my hat off and ruffled my hair in vigor making it fluff out in crazy curls.

"How was your flight?" He asked as he returned the hat on top of my head  after planting a fond kiss.

"Boring.Finished the calculus book and biochem too. Your calculations for the living dome are a few inches off I made some modifications." I answered picking up my bag from the metal chair I was sitting on.

"Kamshamida Fluffy!" He said in Korean.

My brows rose as he grinned then I suddenly heard voices behind me. My first instinct was to run but I realized they sounded female and were obviously gushing. I look behind me to see them pointing to my brother.

"Why are they pointing at you Nii-Chan?" I asked.

"Because I'm good looking." He answered and waved at the girls behind me causing them to squeal in delight and also run away. I rolled my eyes. Teenagers. "Someone said here that I have a striking resemblance to one famous Kpop . I can't forget his group's name. Big Bang."

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