Final Scribbles

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Hey hey hey!! How are you guys?:) If you have reached this page then let me give you a hug!! THANK YOU FOR REACHING THIS PART!! THANK YOU FOR BEARING WITH ME!! THANK YOU FOR READING! Thank you. 

I started this Fan Fic a little over a year ago since I was bored in the province and utterly frustrated with the lame eding the Wolf/Growl drama ending had and now it has come to an end... and I would have never imagaine the the 100k reads this silly fan fic has. THANK YOU! or the votes.. omo. THANK YOU!! 

This is such a sloppy piece of work but I'm so happy that you have stayed with me. Sloppy in so many ways.. like I never pointed out that the rest of the gang also looks like EXO only Kai. There so many loop holes in Flo's security and blah blah blah.. I know I have said before that I will edit this and I did but i will try to Reedit it again one of these days..:)  


and yes. there will be a book two..:) just wait for it since I haven't started writing it yet. ^^ 
The title I'm playing with is..

The Werewolf's Best Friend is a Genius. 

Hope you'll support it too!!:) We have yet too see the end of Flo's adventures ( I want to see the Pink helicopter- run Luhan run! hahah XD) 

Meanwhile this is a story I'm currently working on.. Kris this time is the main lead. 

Tentative Title: The Comeback


3 years after he left he has never set foot in Korea again- until now.
Kris- more known now as Wu Yi Fan,acclaimed Hollywood Actor, Recording Artist and Fashion Icon is back in Korea.. but for what? and with someone in tow. 

Is he going back to his former group?

Is he going to launch his solo career in Korea?

or is he just plain rubbing it in his former members group face that he now much better off without them.

but why now off all the times?

And who is that girl he is with?


What do you guys think??? :)

And I'm planning to do a story for my Boazi Oppa since there is so little of GOOD fan Fics about him. The only one I found that is great to read is not even in wattpad yet. hahaha.. 

just have patience since I'm in my lazy mode and just follow me so you'll eb updated.. gosh I sound like a commercial. 

Anyway.. THANK YOU AGAIN!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! I can finally put the little green check. (*SOB*) 

always choose to be happy..^^

<3 <3 <3



ANNOUNCEMENT: Book two of Flo's adventures is up and running..:D
I have posted it in the external link.
Hope you'll support it like you supported this one..^^

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