Complications of the Heart

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Heya!! Heya!! Thank you for the 3000+ read..:) Thank you!!!^^

I labo-labo you!! <3 <3

Now go off my little wolves and read..:)

Chapter 28

“Hey Kris. You okay?” I ask as I sit beside him. He raised his eyes to me.

“I’m okay…” He answered but I can hear in his voice that he’s not.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked. He didn’t answer. “Do you want to be alone?” I ask him again. Kris and I are alike in some ways; I like to be alone at times. I move to stand when he didn’t answer immediately.

“Stay.” He said softly and reached for my hand pulling me back besides him. I sat down again and just went silent, Kris will say whatever is on his mind and I don’t like forcing people to tell me anything. He went on staring at the sky while I opened the book I was carrying and started to read.

It was a few minutes when he spoke again.

“Sometimes I envy him.” Kris said. I look up at him.

“Envy who?” I ask.

“Luhan.” He said and I looked at the direction where he was looking at. Luhan and Minny were walking hand in hand and laughing. They looked happy. “He looks so happy but sometimes I miss him.”

“Its natural, both of you grew up with each other and is so used to having each other’s back.” I answered closing the book and putting it beside me.

“I know but he has changed. The Luhan I grew up with was a silent, bitter and serious one but ever since he met Minny he has changed.” Kris answered.

“You know I have always believed in science growing up in an environment which it can explain everything but from my moving around ,I had observed so many strange things that another contradicting belief grew in me. Science cannot explain everything, there are some things better off not explained and we should let those things amaze us every time we see it. That is what happened to Luhan, although I try to study it and try to explain it I can never fully grasp what happened to him. What I can safely say that in the bottom line it was all because of Minny.” I said.

“He’s lucky to find her.” Kris answered pensively. He sounded so sad and lonely that against my better judgment I warp my arms around him.

“You won’t lose Luhan Kris, actually you gained a few more, no scratch that, you’ve gained quite a large family, if you’ll have us.”I said reassuringly to him. He smiled his small smile and pulled me close. “And you’ll find her Kris.”

“Who?”he asked looking down at me.

“The one person who will change your whole being. Like how Luhan had found Minny, you will find her.”  I said. He didn’t answer me but looked at me intensely, his eyes glowing a soft red. I had to look away and I can feel my cheeks blushing.

“What if I have found her and both of us just don’t know yet?” He asked still looking at me meaningfully. I let my hair fall from my shoulder hiding my face from his eyes. He didn’t like it and tucked it back behind my ear causing me to blush harder. Why am I blushing in the first place?

“Then let the process run its course. “ I answer sneaking a glance at him. He smiled his full mega-watt smile and I felt my heart skip a bit, what the heck? This can’t be happening. I’m already in a complicated situation for freaking out loud.

“I might not let it run its course when it won’t go my way.” He said twirling some strands of my hair in his fingers.

“that would be cheating and we all know how hard it is to cheat fate.” I answered shifting a bit to move away but he compensated moving closer.

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