The Red Dress

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Minny POV

I watch as Flo was pulled inside and swung around by a very different looking Aiden. He had longer hair that covered his forehead and he lost the glasses. He now looked even younger. He can be mistaken as one of us.

“Aiden! You’re here!” Flo said hugging him when he finally put her down.

My eyes strayed to Kai who was watching the exchange with a blank face, then I looked down to see his fist clenched. Yeah. He’s jealous.

“Missed me love?” Aiden said in Korean.

“Oh your Korean is much better.” Flo said.

“Of course I wanted to come back here so I needed to study the language.” Aiden answered not letting Flo go. FLo out of hapiness -maybe- looped her arms around Aiden's neck and gave him a fond kiss on the cheek. 

"I missed you love." She said using the infamous British accent that I now know for sure makes boys crazy. 

I watch as Aiden's eyes darken a bit, he then he shook his head and smiled at the girl in his arms ruefully. Flo grinned amused at him and let him go. 

She looked back at us still grinning.

“Guys come inside. Those bags are heavy.” Flo said to us. “take them to the kitchen.”

We entered Flo’s apartment and it looked like a mess and she saw it too.

“What happened here?!” She exclaimed looking around. “What did you do to my apartment?!”

“Umm well we just arrived and dumped our bags..” Aiden answered removing the arm on Flo's waist and scratched the back of his head.

“You boys are such slobs wait where are the dogs?! Where’s my baby?!” Flo demanded to Aiden.

“They’re in your room.” Aiden answered.

“No!” Flo said running to her room and opening the door. The moment she opened the door and the three dogs came out barking at her. She patted Butter’s head and rushed inside.

I was curious what made her so frantic so I followed her inside. Her room was also a mess.

“Oh they’re okay.” Flo said picking up Peanut the elephant and Spade the alpaca from the floor. I can hear the relief in her voice.

“Is everything alright Flo?” I ask her. She look back at me and smiled.

“Yeah everythings cool. Good thing the dogs didn’t murder my zoo.” Flo said putting back the elephant and the alpaca back on her bed. I can see the others where all scattered around her room.

The stuff toys had made her rather cold room into a more warmer and cozy one. A room that should belong to a 18 year old.

She puts her hand through mine and pulls me back out. She securely closes the door behind her.

“Is my sister back?” We heard Ren’s voice.

“I’m here and you made a mess.” Flo answered. “Who put the three dogs in my room?”

“Aiden did.” Ren answered pointing to Aiden.

“He suggested it!” Aiden answered pointing back at Ren.

“Well please don’t do it again. I like my room not in shambles. They might eat something there that might cause them to choke. They were fine at the kitchen.” Flo said.

“Sorry Fluffy.” The two older boys chorused.

“And stop calling my Fluffy.” Flo said sighing. “Alright. Can you two please fix your mess? I need to start dinner.”

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