30 Seconds Too Long

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  • Dedicated to Hanna Padrones

30 seconds too long

Minny woke me up at dinner time as requested, they had ordered out since everyone had felt the tiredness from our travel and were now lounging downstairs. A movie was playing in the wide screen. I got down from the stairs rubbing my eyes.

“Slept fine Flo?” Kai asked me.

“Yeah. My headache’s gone.” I answered yawning. “What’s for dinner?”

Kai made a sweeping motion with his hand towards the table that was laden with food. My brows rose when I saw how much it was.

“The management said the first dinner is always on the house hence the amount.” Kai answered reading my mind.

“Cool.” I said picking up a plate.

“They sent us Soju.” Suho said showing a crate of the said liquor. The boys immediately opened one and started to drink it. 

A few minutes later the dance troupe barged into our house. They were trying hard to hide their envy at our crib while they only have standard hotel rooms at their lodgings. I watched as the almost all girls dance troupe interact with the boys in our section. They were technically nice people except for Lee Na Ra. I seriously don’t like her, apart from the fact the she likes to cling to Kai, she is just plain.. what’s a better word then, cheap? She acts too cheap but the boys were polite and were already a bit tipsy to care at the moment.

Two hours later everyone was either drunk or on the way to being drunk.

“Ohhh let’s play truth or dare!” Someone from the dance troupe suggested. It was met with enthusiastic nods and words.

They immediately formed a rough circle on the floor. I had no plans in joining since Alcohol and Truth or dare never mixed well together.. and to tell the truth I was a bit dizzy from the soju Minny made me drink. I have such low tolerance to alcohol.

“Flo come here!” Minny demanded, patting the space between her and Kris.

“I think I’ll pass.” I said not moving.

“Spoilsport. Do you have secrets that you don’t want us to know?” Jess teased.

I smiled and shook my head. If she only knew.

“Come on Flo. It’s a way for everyone to get to know each other more.” Eun said. “And it’s not an ordinary Truth or dare. We brought this especially for this trip. It has wacky and fun dares and questions.”

“Come here now before I drag you!” Minny exclaimed.

“PLEASE?!” everyone chorused.

“Fine, fine. With our number what chance do I have of being chosen.” I answered walking to where Minny sat. I sat down beside her. “Okay start.”

In the end it was a pretty fun game. There were ridiculous questions and hilarious dares but also some steamy ones. Like what is happening now.

“What is this?” A girl from the dance troupe asked waving the card. I think I know her name and the Soju was not helping.

“It says kiss the person next to your right for 10 seconds. If it’s the same gender then move along to the side until you meet an opposite gender.. unless you’re game for those kinds of things.” Jess read and laughed after.

“What kind of dare is that?” I asked amused.

“This game has five kiss dares and when I mean kiss it’s a kiss on the lips not the cheek. So be prepared guys. No one is allowed to back out or pass on these cards.” Eun said.

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