Over Rated Clichés

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Hello..:) I'm back..

Here's one long and chessy (like how Flo likes it) chapter for you..:) so settle down and hope you'll enjoy..^^

(Totaly not edited. So be warned with the errors..^^)

Sorry guys I don't know what went wrong with my editor. I need to change back to Microsoft. Ugg. This update is already delayed and now it's full of errors. Sorry. I'll change it as soon as I can. 

Do not read if you're a grammar Nazi. I will die on the spot. hahaha


“And that ladies and gentlemen is an English phone booth.” Aiden said waving his hand in with a flourish and an exaggerated accent earning laughs from Minny and Julie.

“Yeopoda!”Tao screeched running towards it waving his phone like a weapon. He grabbed Sehun with him and made the younger one take pictures.

“Hey get inside! We might be able to go to the Ministry of Magic!” Beakhyun said pulling Tao out of the booth and dialling the phone excitedly.

The rest of us chuckled as he pouted when nothing happened.

“Beak you have been watching too much Harry Potter.” I mused.

“It’s not real?” Chanyeol asked also pouting.

“You guys are using the wrong phone booth. “Julie said with a grin.

“That one doesn’t lead to the Ministry of Magic.” Aiden said.

“Come one let’s go find the right one.”

“You two don’t encourage their delusions.” I sighed.

“Let them have fun.” Kai said beside me grinning at our friend’s antics.

“Don’t be a mom.”

“Am I?” I asked with a frown.

“Yup.” My boyfriend answered uncurling his index finger and placed it on my forehead smoothing out my frown. “But still adorable.”


“Of course I am but only for you.”

“Bah!” I exclaimed. “Stop messing my hair already.”

“Adorable.” Kai said leaning down to kiss my temple but instead of his lips I felt a hand on my head pulling me away.

“Flo I want a picture with that statue!” Chanyeol demanded pulling me away.

“Woah!” I exclaimed as I stagger away from Kai.

“Come on let’s go!” Chen said putting himself between Kai and I making me let go of Kai’s hand.

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