Chasing Cars

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The throbbing in my head woke up and I was momentarily confused as to where I was. Minny was beside me wrapping herself around me burrito style. The two of us were in a couch and then I remember the movie marathon last night.

I sigh loudly and that amplified the throb in my head.

“I need some Advil.” I murmured and tried to gently extract myself from Minny’s grasp but my best friend was clinging to me like bur. She gave a soft whimper when I shifted away.

I shook my head amusement and sadness mixing. I leaned and kissed her forehead softly. This girl is my sunshine, my life before her- before all of them actually but mostly her- was dull. Colorless, dull, boring. Yes I was running away and hiding from a mad man but it’s not as glamorous as it is put in the movies. I had to find my courage and fight off my nightmares to be with all of them again.

And now I’m going to leave them- again.

“This is crazy.” I mumbled.

“Well you’re crazy so that’s expected.” Kris sleepy husky voice responded.

I raised myself a fraction to look over Minny’s head and see Kris trying to get up and rubbing his eyes.

“What is the world coming too? You’re awake early.” I said grinning then grimaced.

“What’s wrong?” Kris asked seeing my face.

“Headache. Too much wine.” I answered lying back down since Minny tugged me back rather strongly.” And cold. Can you get the blanket off the floor?”

“Sure. Give me a moment.” Kris answered. I raised head again to see why he had difficulty waking up. Tao and Sehun were wrapped around him like boas on either side. He tired some Houdini moves but was unsuccessful and resorted to just shoving the two away then hastily scrambling away. His cranky morning face was hilarious and I couldn’t help but laugh- and it hurt.

“Serves you right for laughing at me.” Kris said picking up the blanket on the floor beside the couch and spreading it on top of Minny and me. “Want some Advil?”

“Yes please.” I answer. “Although I doubt I can take it with this constrictor wrapped around me.”

“Tough luck but I’ll get it just the same. You might be able to do some Houdini moves.” Kris answered disappearing from my sight but not before putting a pillow under my head. I smile in amusement at him and settled back into the back doing some breathing techniques to ease the throb in my head. Minny squirmed back into the crook of my neck and I had to stop myself from jerking away.

Kris came back after a few minutes with some Advil but like I said I can’t move, I can’t even raise my head anymore. Kris must have felt that I need the Advil very much since he prodded Luhan with his foot waking him up.

“What?” Luhan asked.

“Can you pull Minny away from Flo for a bit? She needs to drink some meds for her headache.” Kris answered.

“Sure.” Luhan said and then I saw his head loom above us. “Morning Flo.”

“Hey Lu. Help?” I asked half grinning half grimacing.

“Coming right up.” Luhan said and deftly placed his arms under Minny then pulled her away gently. Minny didn’t even protest but wrapped her arms around Luhan’s neck snuggling. Luhan smiled at her then winked at me. He walked away with Minny in his arms.

“Come on get up and drink.” Kris said helping me up. He handed me a glass of water and two Advil. I gulped it down and shagged into him. “You should stop drinking Flo. You’ll just get headaches.”

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