5 - BambiLu is a Furry Wolf

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hey guys!! how are you enjoying the story so far...??? oh dang I suck at this.. hahaha.. I hope your enjoying reading as much as I enjoy writing this. The story maybe a bit of a drag at first but I'm doing my best to make it exciting.. actually I'm a few chapters advance now, so if it goes well I'll update faster..:)
but for now enjoy since Flo will be showing some of her many talents.. and you'll finally get to meet Ren!! (the guy who picked her up at chapter 3) 

and BTW, they are speaking in Korean unless it's speacifcally stated that they are talking in english..^^


Luhan is at the side. (He's blonde there but in my story he has already darker hair)

Thanks to blackwings for the hardwork on my cover.. Love love!!:)

Now get reading!!



My mind reeled from what Luhan told me but I kept my face calm. I had heard enough things that can make your mind reel but this is different, this dude is my friend. It made it more real and scarier.

"So you morph into a furry wolf when it's full moon?" I ask after a moment still in a calm voice.

"Nope, I'm in control most of the time but when I get angry it takes over and I sort of go wild. The last time was a disaster but after that I sort of felt normal. And my mark disappeared." Luhan answers showing me his hand, something is stirring in my mind. I can't grasp it yet, but I have a strange feeling I know something that can help Luhan.

"So you're not a werewolf." I said to him, he looked like he was about to object. "Hear me out Luhan, according to legend the true children of the moon involuntarily change into wolves when they see the full moon, do you do that?" I ask him. He shook his head to say no.  "So you're not a werewolf, your something else. You just have wolf like characteristics. Besides I think the term werewolf has lost it true meaning ever since that dude with the six pack abs became famous"

"Jacob black?" Minny inserted.

"Oh so that's he's name." I said nodding thoughtfully.

"Flo how can you be sure I'm not a werewolf?" Luhan asked.

I cocked my head thinking as to where I have read of Luhan's abilities and strange history.

"I have an idea- " But start to explain when an announcement sounded all over the school.

"All students please report to the auditorium. We will now hold the elimination contest."

"The what?" I ask. I look at my watch, an hour and a half had only passed I felt it like it was an eternity.

"An elimination contest for the school fair. The winner gets the best spot and the loser gets the worst." Chen explained.

"That sounds cool but is it necessary?" I asked.

"Nope but it's fun. Last year we had an arm wrestling contest. We could have won if Umin hyung entered." Beakhyun answered slapping Xuimin on the back.

"That's strange." I said and straighten up from my resting on Kai knees. "Let's go I want to see if it can get stranger this year."

"Wait, I just told you I am a werewolf and you're not freaking out." Luhan asked confused.

"Luhan you're not a werewolf." I answer as I try to stand up. Kai hauled me up. I smiled thanks to him. "And for the freaking out part, I had seen worst Luhan, don't worry." I said to him darkly.

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