A Proposition

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“Paige I want that wall sealed. Hugo lock the back door.” I ordered ignoring the sweat on the tip of my nose as it glistened. “Come on guys. Last one.”

After a few minutes of silence in which the hum of the AC and the sound of keyboards being typed on as the only sound that be hears a whoop sounded loudly.

“YES!! GET OUT EFFING HACKERS!” The guy with thinning red hair and spectacles on a tall nose stood from his chair and started to do a silly imitation of the dance the mad hatter did in the latest Alice in Wonderland movie.

“We did it. We actually managed to flush them out in record time. Amazing.” Paige said.

“Great job you two.” I said leaning away from the computer I was on and closing my eyes. I lazily wiped my forehead with my hand.

“You are amazing!! If ever you find yourself in need of a job consider yourself hired in our department!” The red haired guy stopped dancing and patting my head. “Great job Lady Flo. You will give your Mom a run for her money.”

“Thanks Hugo.” I answered opening my eyes to grin at the two of them. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Well the system is now again secure..” Paige said and looked around our little island of computers. “They’re safe now aren’t they?”

“Yes. They are. The hackers will have a hard time going over the new firewall you made Paige. That was amazing.” I answered. “And dad messaged me. They managed to remove the tanks that held the poison in the sub-basement.”

“That’s great news!” Hugo said grinning then went serious. “You know the first time I saw them I nearly wet my pants now.. I feel sorry for them. I want to help them in any way I can. They don’t deserve what they’re going through.”

“You did a huge help today.” I answer and looked around sighing at the thick white barrier that surrounded the Main Computer Island. Dad had placed them for our - well mostly for mine- comfort since the computers we we’re handling were all in the White Room. I think he’s scared that I’ll go mad and go in catatonia again.

Which I think won’t happen. I can’t conjure my happy place again even if I wanted to. I was half tempted to go over the barrier and look at the tubes again curious if I can conjure it under pressure. It has lost its purpose and so it disappeared.

 I sighed and fiddled with the bracelet Sehun and Tao had made for me. I had lost my aversion to hand accessories and once they will learn about that I think I will be bombard with silly bracelets... Which reminds me Kai hasn’t brought me a new one yet. I should surprise him by asking for one.

I grin thinking about how confused he will be with me asking for something. Hah! Mind games again Jong In! You wait.

I consciously tried to wipe the grin off my face but to no avail. I’m grinning in the White Room. Grinning happily. Who knew that was possible. 

What did you do to me Kim Jong In? 

I miss my boyfriend. Cue senseless heart fluttering.

I pull out my phone to check for some messages. He sent a few a few hours ago but I lost track when we had the final assault on the bad guys fire wall. I was taken by surprise to see the time. It was already after lunch.

Heart fluttering. Stomach rumbling. Mind going insane. 

“Lady Flo?” A new voice said and one of guards that looked like he was the head by the gold and red bars on his collar popped inside the barrier and into our little island.

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