Wolf Boy and Icing

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“Just like that?” Kris asked me, amused and curious.

“Yes just like that.” I answer smiling as they pile into the room and everywhere. “when you love your friends small arguments won’t stand between you.”

“Was that a small argument?” Kris asked.

“I think it was more of a medium.” I answer as I scanned my palm and my iris.

“I thought they only exist in movies.” Kris said pointing to the scanners.               

“You watch too much movies.” I said. “And where do you think the ideas of movies come from?” 


“Come on in.” I said as I enter my lab, my sanctuary for my week alone.  “Please go there.” I said pointing to the machine that takes pictures.  Kris went next to the scanners.  “Sit.” I said next, pointing to a chair.

“woof.” He answered. I stared at him for a moment before laugh hard. “You’re supposed to give me a bone.”

“Kris I never knew you joked.” I said clutching my tummy.

“I do joke, most people just don’t get it instantly. “ Kris answers grinning.

“Okay wolf boy give me your arm.” I said slapping on gloves and taking out the needle. I extracted the blood and placed it on a test tube. I reached out and grasped his chin. He instantly froze looking at me blankly. “Did I startle you? Sorry. I just need you to open your mouth.” He did so and I quickly swiped it on his teeth. “great. Were done. Good puppy.” I said patting his head.  He laughed and swatted my arm away. Kris had a rich laugh that echoes. 

“Flo?! The cupcakes are burning!” Tao said alarmed poking his head into the lab.

“Are you sure it’s just the cupcake and not the kitchen Tao?” I ask.  “Come now wolf boy, I’ll give you your bone.” I said to Kris who jumped  of the stool.

“You done dude?” Tao asked Kris.

“Yup. So that is what a lab rat feels.” Kris said.

“That doesn’t come close to what a lab rat does.” I answer at the door. “Come along now. I need to close the lab.”

The tree of us walked back to the kitchen and I can smell nothing burning. Tao just wanted me to hurry up with the cupcakes. They had demolished already half the proportion on the table.

“Wow, someone’s hungry.” I comment survey the damage.

“Flo! We missed you and the food but mostly you.” Suho said throwing his arm over my shoulder.

“I knew there was a catch.” I said laughing. “Who wants to frost some cupcakes?” I ask. They all raised hands. I look around. Yup everyone is here. I let my gaze pass over Kai, I’ll deal with him later.

“Tao there are some in the cupboard, can you please get it? I’ll go get the icing.” I said walking to the fridge. Kai was blocking my way. I tried to calm down my heart and smile. “shoo..!” I said smiling. He stepped out of the way.

I grab the containers and placed them on the table. “I don’t want any food fights or icing on my face.” I warned as I opened the container. I should have known my warning would fall on deaf ears. What is with icing and why is it so tempting to put on someone else’s face?

I back away and pulled Minny with me as they piled icing on each other. Even Kris joined in. Minny wrapped her arms around me and I did the same.

“I missed you.” She said.

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