The Big Brother

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Hi guys..:) how yah doing? 
I just have a question before you go on reading..

Does it bother you  that the chapters are long? like they're usually 5000++ words long.. does that bother you guys?? Please tell me if you are or not. 

Cause if you are I need to cut down the remaing chapters into shorter sections..Thanks..:) 

Now go and enjoy!!:) 

(PS. if anyone doesn't bother to answer my question well I'll asume it's a yes.. you know.. Silence means yes thingy???) 


Morning came via the bright sunshine that entered my room. I stretched as a happy smile spread on my face.  Today is going to be happy day. I had decided last night I’m not going back to the Institute today and just spend my day with my friends and boyfriend.


I sigh and smiled again.

Everything’s fine again.

I giggled as I remembered last night.

“Oh what a love sick fool I am.” I exclaimed and yelped as an arm snaked around my waist.

“Lu Oppa.” Minny mumbled her eyes close obviously still asleep.

“Hmm it seems I’m not the only love sick fool.” I mused kissing the top of my best friend’s head and slowly eased my way out of her arms. I replaced the vacant space with a big fluffy – did Luhan really buy her a sea serpent? Wait there are sea serpent stuff toys now?  Where the heck did Luhan find it?

I laugh and shook my head in amusement.

I pick out a blue and gold floor length robe and padded to the kitchen. I am again hungry and craving for Omurice and kimchi.

Someone was already in the kitchen looking around like a lost kid. I sneaked silently behind him and covered his eyes with one hand and used the other to poke his side.

“Your heart or your life.” I whispered to his ear.

“You already have both.” Kai answered.

“You’re no fun.” I said lowering my hands. He turned around and smiled. “You think being romantic will save your life?”

“It certainly saved me from being tickled to death.” Kai answered pulling me into his arms. “Although I nearly jumped out of fright when you sneaked up from behind me.”

“Not apologizing.” I said putting my arms on his shoulder.

“Not asking for one.” He replied leaning down to kiss my forehead. “Good morning my Jagiya.”

“Morning Oppa.” I answered smiling. “Why are you awake so early?”

“I’m hungry, I wanted to go down here last night but was to chicken since it was already dark and I might get lost.” Kai answered as I laughed. “yah! Your house is scary at night.”

“sheeze. Your just like Tao.” I said chuckling like a chicken and made wing movements with my arms. “I’ll cook you breakfast.”

“Don’t you have a cook?”

“Don’t you want me to cook for you?”

“It’s not that, you should rest.”

“I’m fine and it’s the help’s day off today so no one is available to cook for you except me.”

“Well since I might be eating that for the rest of my life I might as well start now.” Kai said grinning.

“Do you want…. Chicken?” I asked.

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