3 - The Children of the Mafia

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It's been a month; I have adjusted quite well in my new school. Minny and I have grown close; she's the closest thing I can call to a best friend. I like the boys too but there are just some things that a girl can only confine to a fellow girl.

"Your boyfriend's weird." I said to Minny as I munch on chocolates courtesy of Kai. We we're watching the boys practice. We had free period and decided that sun is great, so we sat outside along with the rest of the female population. They were ogling at the boys on the field.

"W-w-what?" Minny said startled beside me. I laughed at her innocent expression.

"Min, please, you both have something for each other. The way he looks at you and you at him, and of all of them, I feel he's the most agitated when you're not in sight." I said grinning at her face. "Don't worry Minny, you don't need to tell me anything." I said reassuringly and went back to eating my chocolates.

"Luhan and I.. we..." Minny said at lost for word, blushing furiously.

"Min, don't. I don't need to know anything." I stopped her and smiled reassuringly.

"But I want you to know! You're the closet thing I have to a girl best friend." She said giving me a tentative smile.

"You're my best friend too Minny." I answered touching her hand.

"and your best friend has a right to know about you, right." She insisted. I shrug.

"As long as you're comfortable with it." I answer.

"Luhan and I.. we have a relationship." Minny said. "and uhhh.. it's a.. a.."

"A special relationship?" I supplied.

"yes a special relationship." She agrees.

"Of all our boys you care about him the most and he care's the most about you, like that?" I ask already knowing the answer. If Luhan has to jump in front of Minny to save her from a bullet, he'll do it without any hesitation. He is strange in a good way. The boys, even Minny move in a more delicate way around him. It subtle but I notice it a couple of times.

"Yes." Minny answer smiling.  I smiled back at her, I really liked her. She is just so universally kind, I just don't get why anybody would dislike her.

"heads up!" D.O.'s voice interrupted our moment. I stand and did a back flip kick to return the ball. It was pure instinct, a move ingrained in my brain that I did not think. I landed gracefully on my feet; luckily I'm wearing leggings today. It's a bit cold. The boys looked dazed.

"What?! Do you honestly think you're just the ones that can play soccer?" I shouted to them grinning. The adrenaline shot making me jumpy. D.O. had caught the ball and the 12 of them started to walk towards us.

"Oh-uh. Am I in trouble?" I ask Minny as I watch the boys walk towards us.

"I don't think so." Minny answer uncertainly.

"Flo! Where did you learn to play like that?" Kai demanded.

"England." I answer honestly sitting back.

"You've been around a lot." He said dropping beside me taking my water bottle and passed it around. Minny had to share her water bottle to Luhan only. Another sign that those two have a relationship.

"Yes and that's my water bottle. Why doesn't anyone ask Minny for some of hers except Luhan?" I complain as the empty water bottle came back to me.  The boys look at each other hesitantly, like they did not want to answer the question. Luhan and Minny looked uncomfortable.

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