Horror movies.. who likes them

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Hello.. I'm back..:) I've read my sister's introduction on the last chapter and laughed for a few minutes.. i now know vivid imagination runs in the family.. hahaha

so how's your christmas guys? I bet awesome since our dear EXO has released a new song.. yey!!

and i was just so shocked when I saw Kai with a puppy it was OMG.. i was likeSM is reading my drafts.. hahahah..:) (Dreaming!) A little spoiler.. There will be an upcoming scene which involves a puppy, a boy and a girl and i would just like to say that i wrote it way before i saw the video of Kai with a puppy.. hahaha..:) (Just saying) So everyone can guess that the boy will be Kai.. who will be the girl?? hahahah..

i just love telling spoilers..:P

anyway back to the story..

Flo and Kai played hooky.. hmmmm.. something's starting to feel mushy.. LOL

I hope you enjoy..^^



I woke up from a very nice dream. Minny was dancing with Luhan and I was dancing Kai. He was smiling down at me and was getting closer when I woke up. Okay what was that all about.

“Good morning genius.” Kai said looking down at me.  My face immediately went red.  I sat up rubbing my eyes and stretching.  I look around and the sky was already turning orange.

“Kai what time is it?” I ask.

“near dismissal time.” He answered.

“Oh my. Minny must be worried about us.” I said, looking for my phone that I realized I left back at my bag.

“Don’t worry. I texted them that your with me.” he said waving his phone.  I sighed in relief and leaned against the wall beside him.

“We totally skipped class.” I said.

“Not the first time for me.” He said.

“A first for me. But then again I knew all the lessons.” I said stretching out my legs.

“Show off.” Kai said. “How about treating me to some food later for being an uncomplaining pillow.”

“Sure but I have that meeting with class rep later.” I answer worried that his good mood will vanish.

“I’ll wait for you.” He replies.

“you don’t need to, you know.” I answer. “we can go tomorrow.”

“We promised your brother that we’ll take care of you and not letting you walk home alone is counted.” He said.

“Fine fine fine.” I answer gathering my hair and starting to plaint it. “where’s my glasses?”

“Here.” He answered handing my glasses. I put them on and leaned back. We still have 30 minutes to wait before the dismissal bell rings.

“Where do want to go later?” I ask him fiddling with my skirt.

“Anywhere. You can choose.” He answered, looking at the sky. I glance at him and my heart fell into a much faster beat. What the heck.

“I’ll take you to a café where sweets are only sold.” I answered, laughing to calm myself down.

“I don’t mind.”

“Why do people like to say they’ll eat anything when they say they want to eat something? They must have something in mind.” I said exasperated. Kai just laughed and grinned at me.

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